Topic: A happy soul ...

Hey Folks,

I've been sick for many years now and decided to pick the guitar again.  Looking for some music on the net I came across your site ... all I can say is thanks a million for getting the whole idea up and running, and many thanks to the souls out their who've decoded a plethora of songs.

It's all good, you've help make me a happy person again.



He is able who thinks is able ...

Re: A happy soul ...

Goodmorning UncleG,

from the Emerald Isle. Yes, i know its early! But ive a long busy day ahead.
Your music and guitar will heal. Blessings are wished for you  to be healthy.

Welcome to chordie.

Stay happy.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: A happy soul ...

Hey Old Doll,

Cheers, music automatically does that ...


He is able who thinks is able ...

Re: A happy soul ...

Hi Uncle G and welcome to Chordie,

I am pleased you found Chordie. Apart from all the songs, there is this Forum, which is a friendly place where you can ask for help or offer advice, as the case may be. Or perhaps have a less serious gossip in the 'Chat corner'.

Enjoy your guitar and enjoy Chordie.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: A happy soul ...

Welcome Uncle G to Chordie the friendliest site on the internet,there are a lot of interesting members and many features for you to use to enhance your enjoyment each time you visit we all have one thing in common our love of music glad you found us smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: A happy soul ...

Russell_Harding wrote:

Welcome Uncle G to Chordie the friendliest site on the internet,there are a lot of interesting members and many features for you to use to enhance your enjoyment

the most friendliest? I know a site where all the girls are friendly, they all say so and it only cost £6.00 per minute. they are all intersting soI am told...... and theres lots to enhance your enjoyment.....
But I am only told about these sites lol no really....

anyone got a new spade? I have worn this one out from bidding this big hole I am going in.

Anyway, Hi uncle,

Hope you have as much fun as others do in here, share your knowledge or learn from others or both.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending