Topic: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

Hi Everyone,

I have found a surface crack in the laquer on my Ovation Legend guitar (approx 2 inches in length), I know a repair would be expensive and although the guitar is 26 years old (apart from the crack) is in mint condition.

The question is do I just leave it, as it has not affected the tone or playability, I think I may do just that, but am seeking some advice, I am going to order a humidifier,  the type which hangs down through the sound hole and rests on the strings, but was wondering can the guitar be left in a vertical or horizontal position.

Any advice would be truly appreciated.

Thank you


2 (edited by Doug_Smith 2008-09-14 20:22:27)

Re: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

Hello Semi-acoustic,

  As another Ovation player, and sometimes antiques refinisher....  (don't ask, it's my wife's business) I would try to contact the good old boys at Ovation Technical, and with the serial number of the instrument (from the tag on the inside of the body) they could likely confirm whether or not the finish is laquer.

  If laquer was used, a spot repair to the finish might be effected with good results.  Other finishes could require stripping and refinishing especially urethanes.  If you know a good Luthier in your area, he might also be a source of information on how a repair might be done, and most will gladly give you a ballpark estimate.  Earlier instruments would likely have nitrocellulose laquer rubbed into them, but in the time frame of your vintage, acrylic laquers, enamels , and urethanes started coming into wide use. Although the "lighter" finishes tended to be preferred on acoustic instruments to preserve the "acoustic" properties of the wood itself. 

  Do your research and ask questions... experimentation can result in a mess!

  I almost forgot the other part of your question....   Humidify if your average relative humidity in your area is much below 50%, store in whatever position you want, that should not make a difference.  If you have large differences in humidity and or temperature to contend with...  a case softens the shock of those changes.  Chances are that the crack you have was a result of a rapid increase in moisture content in the wood.  The finish is not as flexible as the wood can swell in a given time frame, and I think that's why you have that darn crack!

Take Care;  Doug

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

Cracks can be repaired or just looked at as beauty mark on a well played instrument. Just take a good look at the guitar Willie Nelson plays. Any guitar will season as it ages and most times will just get better. If the sound is good, play it as it is. Clean it up, a little polish, some good strings, lightly oiled tuners, check the nut and bridge / bridge pins and play the heck outta it.


Re: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

Hello semiacoustic,

  Although Ovations are a great brand of guitar, they are synonymous for finishing issues, such as the one you're experiencing. It's the combination of wood and polyurethane-ish alloy that the back of the guitar is made from. Wood expands and constricts, the back of the guitar does not. That's the scientific explanation for the finishing issues. It's called the  Coeffient Of Expansion. (COE)

   There's one thing that you can do to prevent this from happening and pretty much one thing only; climate control. Consistent humidity and temperature control. However, you can only cater so much to the needs of something before it becomes more trouble that it is worth??!!!....

      I would suggest first that you apply some clear finger nail polish directly to and around the crack . More times than not the nail polish 'freezes' the splitting process and most likely you'll be the only person who notices the blemish in yer finish. This is a starting point. I would, if it were my guitar, do this first and take further action later, if needed...............

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

my ovation is from the same time frame as yours and I have numerous cracks in the finish. I look at them as being the same as the wrinkles that have appeared on my face in the last 20 odd years. I have no intention of having them repaired as they don't affect the sound and they add character and show the world that here is an instrument that has seen some use but has not been abused. I don't worry too much about the humidity issue, if you keep it in the house and in its case the humidity level and temperature should be fairly constant. Although if this is a concern for you monitor the humidity level and take the proper steps to keep it constant.

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway

Re: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

Any Ovation with a few miles up has these. Mine's a 29-year-old 1615 12-string. You can always feel around inside to see if the cracks are in the wood.

Are you aware of ? Great resource, answers every possible Ovation question.

Re: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

Thanks everyone for your expert advice, it is very much appreciated, I guess I will leave well alone and just enjoy.

Re: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

mine built in 1982 has several cracks in the finish but she has been a great friend for all these years and i don't mine if she shows her age a little.
i hope she is ok with me showing my age smile.


Re: Surface crack on Ovation Legend

Now I have something to look forward too ... I just bought an Ovation Celebrity Koa ... nice insight guys thanks!

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75