Greetings Trogdor241, and welcome to Chordie if someone hasn't already welcomed you.
I think you might be able to find a version posted in the Artists section of this site that would fit your needs. Jackson, Michael/Thriller V1 [chords] looks like it is in Am, but then again if you find something listed here, you can go to the menu on the right side of the music page and choose transpose. It should allow you to pick your key and will transpose the piece accordingly.... very helpful at times.
Visit often and take advantage of all the resources available on Chordie. There is a good bunch of folks in this global community who are happy to make your aquaintance and willing to give advise on most everything.... a majority of it is good!
Have fun with your music..... it just keeps getting better!
Take Care; Doug
"what is this quintessence of dust?" - Shakespeare