Topic: A letter to the editor....



    I recently read your article on the problems of playing Guitar in church and you almost brought me out of my work chair.
I have gone through the selfsame frustrations Sunday after Sunday with the band in my church. I was never introduced into the band or accepted by them.
I simply let God lead me into playing and pretty much forced my way into the band. But the pastor, first lady and elders have applauded my playing and complimented me openly in front of the church many times and that has been my encouragement to continue forward with my playing in spite of the opposition.

My closest mate in the band is the keyboardist (The pastors son) and I think that he would include me in the band's outings if the rest of the musicians would stop influencing him. See, most of the band at our church are part of the pastor's family so they do everything together and rarely invite any outsiders in. They don't even have sheet music because the choir and band all pretty much are one family and live next door to each other or in the same house. So they practice during the week and keep it all in their heads. The only reason that I feel they bring the drummer in is because he has so many important connections with other churches and knows so many important people. Me, the little outsider, doesn't really have anything interesting for them to gain so they don't see me as an asset. To that effect, I have been auditioning with other churches and Christian bands and the more people that I play with, the better I find that I'm getting. A lot of the bands and churches that I'm experiencing lately have much better mindsets towards guitarists and they're actually giving me music to play with them! It's awesome how much better I can play when I have an idea of what is being played!

But it's okay, God will put me where I can be used best. If it's not at my church, it will be somewhere elseā€¦.

Thank you for publishing your article, I am going to save it and add it to my archives.
At least I know someone else out there understands...

God Bless,

"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

Re: A letter to the editor....

Hi Detman 101
Music for me is comfort for my soul.Being able to play and be comfortable with who ever I am playing with can be difficult at the best of times.If the church organization that you are involved with does not make you feel comfortable than I would move on...simply because if they can not take the time to make you feel welcome than they are not what the spirit of music and living life to its fullest is all about.Clicks are Clicks and they should not be but they are. sad
Hope that helps


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: A letter to the editor....

You'll find in rock bands you get showy players who whilst being flash don't fit in. I'd imagine in a worship band the urge for a homogenous sound is even more so (I may be wrong, perhaps you get a 5 minute solo spot for a face-melting shredfest ;-)  ). Look to your playing, it should be supportive without disappearing into the background. Ever recorded a rehearsal or service performance? Do so and listen for yourself. Is your guitar standing out or blending in? Oh, and of course cliques are cliques.

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'