Topic: BUYING A NEW GUITAR (help please!)
Okay so I've had a Squire strat now for some time and its having some problems staying in tune, plus one of the frets is bent out and for some reason its not picking up right (it got left outside in the heat for a long time after Hurrican Rita so I'm sure that had something to do with it), and instead of spending money getting it worked on I'm going to try to sell it for whatever I can get and buy a new electric.
I don't think I want to try a strat again, don't get me wrong it was good for learning on, but it just never really felt right to me (does that make sense?). I am mostly an acoustic player but I've been easing my way onto electric and its been frustrating because the one I have really doesn't give me a whole lot of elbow room as far as sound goes to experiment. My question is, what kind of guitar is good for someone transferring from acoustic to electric. I play alot of barre chords and I'd like a nice solid sound, but also something I could pick and get a good tone out of. I'm not all over the fret board yet, but I do like to bend the strings from time to time...The main problem is my price range is going to be somewhere between 2 and 4 hundred dollars, unless a find a golden oppurtunity thats worth waiting alot longer for.
I do play alot of country, but I'm wanting to get more into rock n roll and blues (on the electric anyway) so I don't think a Tele's a good idea. I was looking at an epiphone dot archtop semi-hollow body, am I even veering in the right direction??