Topic: BigHorn Mountain Festival

Hello All,

    Hope this is Ok, I would just like to share a good time opportunity to anyone interested. The Bighorn Mountain Festival is coming up July 10-12. THere will be lots of campfire jamming and also great entertainment on the mainstage each day and night it takes place in Beautiful Bufffalo Wyoming.I can't wait , I'm not a great bluegrass player but you can sure feed off the bluegrass pickers and pickup some new tricks.

Later Wayne P

Later, Wayne P

Re: BigHorn Mountain Festival

Kinda thing I would love to go to but since I live in Scotland.......

It is getting near the folk festival season here. July to end of September. Usually always a folk festival weekend somewhere within these months. I got a few lined up so far.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: BigHorn Mountain Festival

Sounds like a hoot wlbaye.Geography makes it impossible.Maybe you could post some pics or vids somewhere on the net.Lots of festivals happening in the summer.I would like to see our chordie mates post up whatever is happening from around the globe.It makes the world seem a little smaller.
Thanks KAP54

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: BigHorn Mountain Festival

The Dutch Mason blues fest in Truro, Nova Scotia, in mid August is a real good time. This years headliners are James Cotton, Matt Minglewood, Bonnie Rait, with local blues bands as well. Last year Buddy Guy played and all who attended got
a real good load of blues. At the Truro Harness Racing site with camping and facilities on site. Should be another blues adventure we shall not miss.

..Badeye :Cool:

one caper after another

Re: BigHorn Mountain Festival

The campground jamming is so much fun, I don't make it  to watch the headliners much,but there is some super talent playing around many campfires all through the night and I'll be there trying to throw in a few licks.

Later, Wayne P