Topic: "Parts of History"

I don't know about anybody else, but my toolboxes have all sorts of non-tools inside.  I have had many bicycles, cars, trucks, and motorcycles over the years.  There is probably a piece from each vehicle somewhere in my several toolboxes.

Parts of HistoryJames McCormick

[C]Lookin' in my [F]toolbox, [C]rummage all around

[F]Tool I was huntin' for nowhere to be [G]found

[F]Finally put my [G]hand on it [Am]way way down deep . . .

With [F]all those parts of [G]history I [F]feel a need to [C]keep

[G]Pieces of vehicles, [F]parts of memories

[G]Pieces of junk to [F]anyone but [G]me . . .

[C]Pieces of [F]vehicles, [C]relics that I keep

[G]Pieces of time, [F]parts . . . of histo-[C]ry . . . [G]

[C]Every different [F]vehicle, [C]stories to be told

[F]Phases of my life traded junked or [G]sold

[F]Lessons learned the [G]hard way, [Am]love and loneliness . . .

This [F]beat up old [G]toolbox [F]is my treasure [C]chest

[G]Pieces of vehicles, [F]parts of memories

[G]Pieces of junk to [F]anyone but [G]me . . .

[C]Pieces of [F]vehicles, [C]relics that I keep

[G]Pieces of time, [F]parts. . . of histo-[C]ry

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Parts of History"

Good song James,

They say everything we own is tied to a piece of our energy. So if our life feels cluttered we must dispose of it.
Cars never did mean anything to me. If it has power steering  and gets me from a to b, im fine with it. Lol.  But i like the sentiment within this song.
God i have driven some bangers in my day."

Well done.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Parts of History"

I agree, Old Doll - stuff is just stuff.  For me, a car is just another way to get around. I used to get a big kick out of making beat up old cars run right. I never got too attached to the vehicles themselves - those cars were just a bunch of parts.

I still have all my tools but emissions controls and other innovations have made modern cars way too complicated for shade tree mechanics.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Parts of History"

hi james a man after my own heart,i've got bits of cars a clutch plate off a peugeot a wing mirror off a sherpa,loads of bits doing nothingbut cluttering up space,ah well thats life,great song....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool