Topic: ooops...

it seems my curiousness have made me take my electric guitar apart. And now i don't know where to place the tiny springs that were under the pickups.... anyone got any tips.. ?

Re: ooops...

Those springs usually go between the flanges on the pickup and the pickguard to provide tension and space that's adjustable with the screw.

Middleaged Redneck sorta guy who refuses to grow up...passion for music, especially Southern Rock but like bout everything cept Gangsta/Hip Hop. Collect guitars, mandolins, and love to ride Harleys.

Re: ooops...

i did that too...
you just have to put them between
2 parts of the pick up
look for a pic on the internet
i worked it out by trali and error...
but that did  take a while

if you can learn bass in 15 minutes
then why do i play the guitar???