Topic: A song for my daughter "Kirstin"

This morning while I was messing around with the guitar making my daughter laugh I ended up with this song. So instead of my usualu and not doing anything I decided to rewrite it all down with the chords and record it and even put it on My space

it is a bit of a joke song with some seriousness in it.

Kirstin Kirstin

randomly freestyle finger picking

[G]Oh Kirstin so[C]metimes you make me la[G]ugh

Oh K[G]irstin I kn[C]ow you think I’m d[G]aft

But I [D]like to see you smile

Even f[C]or a little while

Oh K[G]irstin w[C]hat will we do t[G]oday

Oh K[G]irstin w[C]hat did I hear you s[G]ay?

You w[D]ant to go out to play

That’s f[C]ine if you’re not far away

Oh k[G]irstin

Oh kirstin I hate to see you cry

Oh Kirstin come let me dry your eyes

There’s no need to cry too long

Listen to the words of this song

Oh Kirstin I love your long brown hair

Oh Kirstin come sit here on this chair

I will brush your hair and you wont scream

Because we make such a good team

Oh Kirstin

K[C]irstin you’re so specialK[G]irstin you’re so fine

Ki[C]rstin you’re so well behaved Kirstin [D]I’m so glad you’re mine [G]

Oh Kirstin why do you give me strange looks

Oh Kirstin when you’re older you’ll have plukes

But don’t worry you can make them go away

By squeezing them during the day

Oh Kirstin one day you you’ll leave the family

Oh Kirstin that day will be a tragedy

I know one day you will go

But there’s plenty of time before you grow

Oh Kirstin

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: A song for my daughter "Kirstin"

Hi Ken,

About time we had a song from you, it has been a while. I bet there is one very happy little girl in your house, her daddy has written and recorded a song for her and put it on the internet with her photo for the world to see.

A lovely, lighthearted song. Unfortunately our children grow up far too fast, but I suppose there are then grandchildren to look forward to (although not for a few years yet in your case).


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: A song for my daughter "Kirstin"

Good stuff Ken.   There is no better inspiration than ones child. Your little lady is lucky to have a Dad like you. I enjoyed listening to your tune.

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: A song for my daughter "Kirstin"

hi ken just read your post ,a lovely tribute to your daughter,sory can't listen at moment,speakers down....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool