1 (edited by zenbutcher 2008-05-14 17:27:18)

Topic: Changing chord diagrams

I want to play a Gm7b5 in a different way from the default chord diagram shown when I print a song.  In searching the internet, I found that it may be possible to include different chord diagrams using chordpro commands similar to the "{t:}" tag for titles.

Are these chordpro commands applicable on chordie?  If so, is there a list of available commands anywhere on chordie?

Re: Changing chord diagrams

OK, after a little testing, I answered my own question (I had the format wrong).  For those of you who need to do this, here's how:

To make a standard G chord, just type: {define: G 0 3 0 0 0 2 3}  where G is the chord name, the first 0 is the barred fret, and the last 6 numbers are the strings in order from 6th (lightest) to 1st (heaviest) with the number representing which fret to push down.

Hope this helps!