Topic: Key change malfunction

OK, I guess it could be a "user" malfunction.  But, here's the deal:

I looked up a song, transposed it down 5 semitones, then added it to my songbook.  Later, I decided to just edit the chords manually by "editing" the song in my songbook.  Now, when I pull up that song, it is still transposed down 5 semitones.  I can transpose it to "none" but it doesn't save it that way.  Everytime I open that song, it reverts to what I originally did - transpose it down 5 semitones.  Can someone help?

If possible, I don't want to delete it and re-add it, because that would lose all the changes I made to the song.

Re: Key change malfunction

zenbutcher wrote:

OK, I guess it could be a "user" malfunction.  But, here's the deal:

If possible, I don't want to delete it and re-add it, because that would lose all the changes I made to the song.

but if it changes back to the 5 semitones down then are you not losing your changes? or did you change more?

This can be annoying. I have changed semitones and saved it into my book too then decided I wanted it 3 semitones different but the only way I could do it was to delete it, go to the song, change the semitones then re-add it.

I hear what yer saying. It would be good to have the option to save a song into a songbook and change it later and save it while it is still in the songbook, mostly for the reason you say.

maybe Per can make an adjustment to the program that will allow us to do this?


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Key change malfunction

Thanks for your help!  I guess I will bite the bullet and change everything again smile