Hello! I have a Jasmine by Takamine acoustic guitar which I'm learning on now.  I've been playing for about 4 months every single day.  I've played other guitars and find them much much easier on the fingers! Is the Jasmine harder to play than others?

After 4 months my fingers look all chewed up. If I play for more then a 20 mins my fingers look nasty. Is that normal?  Also, barre chords on the Jasmine are difficult. I tried another guitar in a store and it seemed easier to barre.  Is this all my imagination or is this type of guitar tougher to play?   Thanks.


Hello Maine smile  I have a Takamine as well though it's the "G" series ... a couple factors will come into play as far as your fingers getting chewed up ... alot of posters will give you the same advice

1.  Action on the fret board ... if the action is high (space between the string and the fret board) you'll have to exert more pressure to hold the string down to the frets

2.  Your fingers will get "chewed" up until they're utilized enough and start to grow calluses ... once your fingers stop hurting you'll see the tips of your fingers will grow calluses ... also, sometimes that doesnt even help ... if I'm playing any acoustic guitar for an extended period of time my fingers will start hurting big time even with calluses

3.  Different guitars will give you a different feel ... for example the neck might be wider, thicker, thinner, or the action might be lower and thus not kill your fingers

Hope this helps!

Electric:  Gibson Les Paul Studio, Schecter Omen 6, PRS SE Custom
Acoustic:  Fender Talman, Yamaha
Amp:  Fender Super Champ XD/Line6 Spider III 75

3 (edited by Clypxy 2008-05-09 19:06:39)


I've been playing for 10 months now, every second day, and I'm experiencing the exact same thing.
I have an acoustic steel string, and if i play for half an hour the tip of my fingers gets more or less ripped off and it starts to hurt. I usually keep my hands away from the guitar when it happens, which is quite often. I'm considering to purchase one of those nylon-string guitars, at least i can practise the fingering with one of those, and let my fingers rest a bit before I play the acoustic. This way I would be able to play every day big_smile

And btw: I'm also struggling with some tough and dreaded barre chords. I don't really know if you are struggeling, but I assumed as much. If not feel free to indulge yourself in my sincere apology; for thinking less of you.

I wish you good luck on your guitar journey then, but steel string players knows it's not a painless journey  at allfor soft fingers!

Edit: I would like to add to Geo's list of prospective suggestions.

- Use gloves ( I've tryed this and it works, but you might encounter some muted strings, but it's quite possible to make the root note ring out clearly)

And the use of mittens is a great ide, at least our fingers would benefit greatly!

(A)                 (C#)     (D-barrè)                  (Cm#)(Bm)
Stand by your guitar, and tell the world you love it!


Everything Tim says above is true and very helpful. I would echo that it sounds like an action problem. I too play a Takamine (Though it too is a G series) but there are Jasmine players out there and they seem generally content. Did you purchase it from a store? Some suggestions (apologies to Tim0473 for repetition):
-Have it professionally set up
-Try lighter gauge strings
-Try Elixir Strings (they are coated and will "chew" a little less
-wear mittens (kidding!!)

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello