Topic: Best song w/instrumentation

What is everyones favourite song with alot of instrumentation?  One thing I've learned is my favourite songs are ones that have alot of diverse instrument playing or just the sheer beauty of it accompanying the lyrics in a song.

For instance:  I LOVE how "Silent Lucidity " from Queensryche sounds ... the violins accompanying the the 12-string acoustic guitar is phenomenal

Another song that appeals to me is Bittersweet Symphony from Verve Pipe ... again, the introduction of violins into a modern pop song is amazing

Often I wonder how writers come up with the additions of instruments to their songs ... mostly I would think the standard set-ups would apply ... but how do they come up with adding all the extras?

Electric:  Gibson Les Paul Studio, Schecter Omen 6, PRS SE Custom
Acoustic:  Fender Talman, Yamaha
Amp:  Fender Super Champ XD/Line6 Spider III 75

Re: Best song w/instrumentation

if you take the lyrics out I think  Metallicas concert with Michael Kamen and orchestra is just so, so, so, splendid.
Heavy rock music accopmanied by an orchestra.

Also all the music on Wish you were here by Floyd.

geez oh, there are so many pieces of music I love but those two will be in my top ten for arranged music


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Best song w/instrumentation


I was thinking the same thing with the Metallica set up as well ... I've never listened to it yet but have seen the arrangements as well

But agreed on Wish You Were Here ... Pink Floyd in GENERAL

Electric:  Gibson Les Paul Studio, Schecter Omen 6, PRS SE Custom
Acoustic:  Fender Talman, Yamaha
Amp:  Fender Super Champ XD/Line6 Spider III 75

Re: Best song w/instrumentation

although I like mianly rock music I'm always impressed by a well executed instrumental

one of my favorites is classical gas by Mason Williams - but also apache and wipeout

but there is also genius to be found in licks, riffs and intros

I particularly like buzzsaw guitar intros - think anthrax by Gang of Four, Bela Lugosi's dead by Bauhaus, High voltage by AC DC, Holiday in Cambodia by Dead Kennedy's

I think that some of the great instrumentals in famous songs are provided by band members to the song writing team - guitarists noodling away with chops or drummers

however having had a go myself (with no very notable success) it does helps if you are able to think of the songs in terms of  the chords (you may know a bit about harmony) and the associated scales
in short a back to front knowledge of the instrument is key but if you are not a multi instrumentalist  theory can help

Re: Best song w/instrumentation

John ... right off the bat when I head Holiday in Cambodia I thought of Guitar Hero smile 

But I agree, knowing the scales as well as the key your playing the song in helps in adding additional instruments to make the song really come alive

Electric:  Gibson Les Paul Studio, Schecter Omen 6, PRS SE Custom
Acoustic:  Fender Talman, Yamaha
Amp:  Fender Super Champ XD/Line6 Spider III 75