Hi Everyone! Someone asked me recently how long I have been playing and I was stunned to realize that 26 years had passed since I took my book money for 1st semester at college and bought a used 12 string instead. I have been using Chordie for a while now, but since I am a pretty basic computer user, I wasn't sure about joining. After reading about each of you I decided to brave it and am really glad I did.
There's been a lot of water under the bridge since my first C chord, but I am still as passionate now as I was that first year away at school. I learned by watching others and still play the basic same simple music. I have added an Ibanez 6 string to my collection (a gift from my husband), and this year I treated myself to a new 12 string Breedlove. I was given an electric guitar from my uncle that he bought in the 50's but I don't know what to do with it. It looks great, however, next to my old time favorite 12 string Epiphone.
Only a real rookie would have tried to learn on a 12 but I didn't know any better. I figured...more strings....more sound. Eventually, I learned I was right. I still play mostly for myself but occasionally get brave enough to play for family and friends. Nothing like a room full of voices singing along.
Glad to be part of your group now.