Topic: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Simple question here!

When Americans say the have eaten Jelly and Biscuits" What are they eating?

Jelly here is something we eat with icecream/ or trifle.

Theres an abundance of biscuits here.  Sandwiche creams/ chocolate covered/ mallows/ lemonpuffs/ coconut/ bourbons/ chocolate chip/ and so on.

but we only have these with tea/ or coffee.  Explain please to this

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

LOL Old Doll, I'll give it a shot.

Jelly (from wiki): Same as or similar to:

Fruit preserves refers to fruit, or vegetables, that have been prepared, canned or jarred for long term storage. The preparation of fruit preserves traditionally involves the use of pectin. There are various types of fruit preserves made globally, and they can be made from sweet or savory ingredients.

- Similar to "Jam" or "marmalade"

Biscuits - Also from wiki:

In American English, a "biscuit" is a small form of bread made with baking powder or baking soda as a leavening agent rather than yeast. (Biscuits, soda breads, and corn bread, among others, are sometimes referred to collectively as "quick breads" to indicate that they do not need time to rise before baking.)

Biscuits are extremely soft and similar to scones; in fact, many recipes are identical. In the United States, there is a growing tendency to refer to sweet variations as "scone" and to the savory as a "biscuit", though there are exceptions for both (such as the cheese scone). A sweet biscuit served with a topping of fruit and juice is called shortcake. In Canada, both sweet and savoury are referred to as "biscuits", "baking powder biscuits" or "tea biscuits", although "scone" is also starting to be used.

Biscuits are a common feature of Southern U.S. cuisine and are often made with buttermilk. They are traditionally served as a side dish with a meal, especially in the morning. As a breakfast item they are often eaten with butter and a sweet condiment such as molasses, light sugarcane syrup, sorghum syrup, honey, or fruit jam or jelly. With other meals they are usually eaten with butter or gravy instead of sweet condiments. However, biscuits and gravy (biscuits covered in country gravy) are usually served for breakfast, sometimes as the main course.

A picture is worth 1,000 words - Here's a photo of a bacon, egg & cheese biscuit. Substitute jelly for the B, E & C and you've got a Jelly Biscuit!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

First off - - - 'biscuits' are NOT cookies.
(But why are 'cookies' called 'cookies' - shouldn't they be called 'bakies' since they are baked?)

Also, 'jelly' is not jam and it is not marmelade.  And only some sort of twisted freak would put jelly, jam, or marmelade on ice cream!

And for goodness sakes, what is trifle . . . sounds like a combination of intestines (tripe) and waffles - - - must be some sort of fancy haggis?

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

TRIFLE - Place in the bottom of a bowl some stale, dry sponge cake. Pour on a liquid (derived from boiling bones) that sets to a quivering, shaking mass and cover the cake. Fruit can be added before it sets. When it sets cover with custard and top with whipped cream. DISGUSTING!


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Roger Guppy wrote:

TRIFLE - Place in the bottom of a bowl some stale, dry sponge cake. Pour on a liquid (derived from boiling bones) that sets to a quivering, shaking mass and cover the cake. Fruit can be added before it sets. When it sets cover with custard and top with whipped cream. DISGUSTING!


I think the bones thing is gelatine, and before you put the stale, dry sponge cake in you soak it in SHERRY which is an alcoholic beverage derived from grapes and therefore very good!

Jelly in England is Jello in the US

And anyone who has biscuit for breakfast has no taste *ducks and runs for cover* lol



I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Well Now,

There was i expecting a simple answer!
Yes i have discovered as Bonedaddy
says,  Jello!  We here call this Jelly, hence the confusion.    Topdown we do have preserves and jams, which we use on bread or toast of a morning.

I was trying to picture others putting Jello on same!!.

As for Rogers Trifle! Well all i can say is " You have never eaten one of mine.

Delicious, even if i say so myself.. Stale Dry sponge cake???? never!!,

I have always baked my sponge for this treat.  Soaked gently in Sherry or Irish mist. Covered in Jello {Strawberry} Topped with  Delicious creamy home made custard
with fresh vanillapods. Then Topped again with lightly fresh whipped cream.

I have seen grown men cry eating my trifle so good is it,  and had proposals of marriage for same lol

James Mcormick!  Come on now ! Say hello to your twisted freaky friend

on the Emerald!

I love cranberry jam, jelly, or preserve on icecream. God how kinky is that!

Thank you Topdown and all.

Bonedaddy Darling your right.  You and Me { class comes to mind} lol

Freaky Old Doll.

ps.. we should all be eating more gelatine, good for nails teeth and so much more in the human body.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Old Doll,
     At our house we have a Sunday morning tradition called " Biscuits and Gravy Bluegrass." My wife makes the worlds best sausage gravy which is poured atop a half opened flour buscuit. I've just drooled all over my keyboard just writing of it. After we've had our fill of the sausage gravy there's usually a few biscuits left over. These said biscuits are usually the recipient of some strawberry or grape jelly spread delicately on them( or glopped on in my case). That's my jelly and biscuits story. Oh yeah, one more thing, once in a while I'll place a jelly filled biscuit over each of my eyes and chase the kids around the house. The kids love it when the "Jelly Biscuit Monster" stops by for a visit.

Ciao Bella,

Give everything but up.

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Way to go South Paw,

Having my Freaky lunch here on the Emerld! Yes! Every thing is glopped on.

YUMMY!   I could be worse, i could be feeling like these Guys??.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

That was great Old Doll - We've all had day's like that!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Yeah!, I liked   it when the old man threw his computer screen over the partition, sat back down, and started typing again! What was he looking at ?

Give everything but up.

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Buttermilk biscuits and ribbon cane syrup. Add some good bacon or a little country ham plus a couple of rooster bullits. Um, Um GOOD!!!!!!!

Counrty Style.

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Just finished writing here Nela!

Im away to me bed. But before i go tell me whats" Rooster Bullits" ? I dont

want to be having night mares now so be nice to me lol

From the dark brown peat bogs of the Emerald

To your marshy swamplands,

A cold and snowy  Oice Mhaít  { Good Night }

Nosey Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Rooster Bullits = Cackleberries.


Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

NELA wrote:

Rooster Bullits = Cackleberries.


You're trying to catch us out... but I know cackleberries are really eggs, right?

Good try tho'

Professor Bonedaddy


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

hi helena i would'nt like to mix this lot in a bowl i could'nt imagine what would come out ,buiscuits are a sin food to me,once i start dunking the packet dissappears,then i think of the calories after...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Professor Bonedaddy!

Thank you !..   God i gave this one no thought at all..

That Nela fella trying to take the Michael out of this Bean Deás [ Nice woman}

Its a good slap around the swamps he needs!!  Nela your very Bold!!

Cackeberries!!! Why dont ya just call it { úbh  }

like we do here,   Simple like lol

Old Doll.

Ps. Daddycool, they sure aint talking about the same Bickies as us.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Old Doll, mi Bean Deas, how you like your GRITS?


Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Hey you folks, this guitar forum is full of folksy "Gourmets"!
Since NELA is now serving up the grits, here's a description of my first encounter with this delicious stuff: I'm driving from Chicago to Texas in my beat-up station wagon. Six o'clock in the morning, close to Cairo (Illinois), I spot a diner (roadside restaurant for poor folks). As I enter the tiny place, I realize that I'm the only white guy in this place filled with hard-working African-Americans. Regardless, the waitress takes my order for the special breakfast (Special = cheap), and asks me "Do you want grits with that?".

Mind you, I've only been in these here United States for three months... and of course have no idea what "grits" is. But when it arrived steaming on my plate, butter on top, I fell in love with what we call "the Delta", the South, and the cradle of the Blues. Been here since 1980, grits, southern belles, funky accents and all.

Now I'm really waiting for our celtic ambassadors to give us their view on what makes America great: GRITS.

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Breakfast time at Nela's house. My wife is getting a little bit of a late start this morning with fixin' breakfast since her feet are hurting her. (something about her toe's curling up too much last nite). Anyway here's the menu.

GRITS (with butter)

Wish ya'll were here to join us.


Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?


Grits i always thought was "Corn bread"? Never did have it in the States.

Tennessee Strat, now says he had it with butter.? so it probably is a type of bread?.

I think i was born on the wrong side of the planet!  I love Cinnamon,
pancakes, southern style chicken, cajun style cooking.
But heres a tip for barbecuing Chicken... Marinade your chicken in

White lemonade, / soda / pop . { Sprite/or 7 up/ tumeric/ curry powder.   Delicious. My childhood friends hubby is a spanish chef. He gave me this tip.

So good on the barbie.

Im afraid to ask what Mayhaw Jelly is?

But i know the feeling of toe curling.   It happens me all the time reading a good book in bed. lol

Ps. theres 2 lemons in the post for ya Nela.  Split in half and suck vigorously!!

There to wipe away the  ten minute smile from last night lol

Life in the old dog yet eh Nela!!  go on ya boy ye. 

BUALADH BOS FOR NELA!!!!!   { round of applause } lol
Keep the grits warm im on me way.

Bean Deas!

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

So much to comment on this thread.

First Jello?  Bill Cosby singing with a bunch of 5-10 year old kids,  J-E-L-L-O!  Theres always room for Jello.

Next, Grits are something that I can't handle. They are plain and simple but lack FLAVOR, this is just me of course.

Biscuits and Gravy are AMAZING!  Here in Ohio Bob Evans sausage gravy is where it is at.

I had some computer friends driving for 2 months, I know sounds kinda crazy but they bought a full sized van and packed up and left there homes and didn't plan on returning for 2 months, driving around the U.S. They live in Boston Mass. My house was on there list to stop, one of there first places actually. So when they got here I made up some BBQ ribs and other good fixins for em. We had such a good time I offered my couch and recliner for them to crash, they accepted. The next morning we went out for breakfast and while we were talking biscuits and gravy came up and the 2 of them looked at us as if we where nuts'o. Need I mind you they only live 400 miles from us and they have NEVER heard of biscuits and gravy, so they both got it and LOVED EM. They ended up staying for about 4 days and I think we ate biscuits and gravy 4 times in there. They couldn;t get enough of em.

With all that being said brings me to something else that is funny.   SODA POP COLA PEPSI COKE

Here in Ohio it is POP
down south it is SODA

what does everyone call there "POP?

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Tennessee Strats,

What makes America great for me?   Well i know they dont all feel the Irish are Ignorent louts or are only good for road making. 

I have the deepest respect for America and its citizens.. America has been more then good to members of my extended family. Here on this island theres sometimes a begrudgery feeling towards someone who decides to do well for them selves.
In America my family were encouraged. One in his thirties is a Hot shot lawyer in New York. Another in his thirties a director of a world wide bank. Another has her own show and runs a local Tv station and so on... This would never have happened to them here. You have to be middle aged and nearly washed up before you can have such high achievements.
Another had all of his college and living  paid for from a benefactor. Whom we have met which is unusual.. She has always kept in touch with him. But he did so well she invited us  all to dinner.  An absolute pleasure i might add.

I can have tickets to Games,   Madison Square Gardens, gosh so many oppurtunities are at my disposal when i visit the States..

American People! I love them. They have an honesty about them. An Openess
to talk to all and share.

They also love my country.  There generosity to us by spending there holdays here and there hard earned dollar back in the  lean years cannot be forgotten

Céid  Míle Fáilte  is a very honest welcome to all Americans to this wee Emerald.

Sure! Cranberries, pancakes, spare ribs, buswiser, yankee candles, syrup,
New york Rhuben sandwhiche, Yum. Just a smidgeon of all that i love American.

Old Doll

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?


Old Doll,

Do you know the acronym for budweiser ?



Give everything but up.

Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

budwieser is an embarrasment to beer.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Jelly and Biscuits ?

Old Doll and all:
During our discussion here, I sensed your fond feelings towards our country... The Unorganized States of Agony. I need to tell you that I am living in the U.S. by choice, not birth... After living in crowded Germany for 30 years, I came to America in 1980.

I have lived (and played guitar) here now for 28 years, am still not an American citizen, but certainly feel like one. My new family is all-American: open, honest, loving, caring, passionate, aggressive, loud. My wife and kids (daughter is a hippie, son is a US Marine) are a true mix of Swedish, Dutch, Irish, Cherokee, French, and now German. We are blessed with our checkered heritage. Americans truly embody the best and worst of many cultures -we are part of a social experiment. I'm proud to be part of this experiment, even though we still have poverty, racial inequality, and a sad government at this time.

As food and music are part of every culture, Americans have an incredible culinary and musical smorgasboard to feast from. Here in my immediate region (the Appalachian Mountains), we still have the remnants of Irish and Scottish folk music alive and well. And the European music has partially merged with African music many decades ago. I'm in musical hog heaven and wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Let's keep this discussion going, and let's exchange our views, favorite foods, critical thoughts and all, down to the biscuits, jelly, Jello, scones, The Rolling Stones, Guinness, cider, brownies, smores, BBQ....and Shepherd's Pie.

Play on!