1 (edited by mhdmhd 2008-01-07 17:10:10)

Topic: is a electric guitar player in danger?

i read this article and several other articles about differences between classical music and hard rock music affection on human's body and mind. look at this...

"Take for instance classical music versus hard rock music; scientifically can we truly determine how it affects us? We can. You may have heard of the studies in which plants are subject to long hours of classical and hard rock music or heavy metal. The results of these tests have always been the same, the hard rock and/or heavy metal music caused the plants growth to deteriorate. Classical music however helped the plants grow faster.

A similar experiment has been done with mice. David Merrell, a high school student in Suffolk, Virginia won first prize in the state science fair for his science project to determine the effect of music on lab mice. He created a maze that took mice about 10 minutes to negotiate. Then Merrell played classical music to one group of mice and hard rock music to another for 10 hours a day. After three weeks, the mice exposed to the classical music made it though the maze in 90 seconds. The rock music group took 30 minutes. Merrell added, “I had to cut my science project short because all the hard rock mice killed each other. None of the classical music mice did that.† Not only did the rock mice take longer, something in the music caused them to kill each other! While the classical mice benefited from the music, the others wound up dead.

How do you take this information and apply it to humans? Will people who listen to hard rock or heavy metal music end up killing each other? The answer may surprise you. One of the greatest causes of sensor neural deafness in the youth of our nation is their addiction to the violent and harsh sounds of hard rock and heavy metal music. The damage to the sense of hearing is great, yet the hard rock music may cause even greater harm to the mind."

it was written in virtue magazine. and it's the link:

so....is a electric guitar player in danger? how about someone who only listens to hard rock songs?

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

I want some cheese, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give everything but up.

3 (edited by mhdmhd 2008-01-07 18:21:14)

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

ok i'll give it to you but before that you have to promise not to kill the other players that "want some cheese". alright?

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

...oooookay, people are getting paid to play rock music for lab mice now?? Listen, most so called 'metal heads' who end up being damaged in any way will deterioate because of drug and alcohol intake not because the music hypnotized them. Teens that turn to extremely heavy music are alot of times already very angry, the music just works them up some.
I know a guy listens to the death metal, very laid back, kind of nerdy, built his own computer. I know a guy who loves classical music. He's on a downward spiral of self destruction as we speak and he couldn't find his way out of a maze in 30 years, much less seconds.
  Animals react badly to loud noise because they can't comprehend the meaning or even concept of 'music'. When I play my country music loudly I enjoy the song, but my hamster has a fit. Classical, even when played loudly, is very smooth and well, boring I think but thats beside the point, so the animals wouldn't  be as afraid. Rock music when played loudly, while it might make people want to jump up and head bang, scares animals because they don't understand 'music' there's just something very loud in thier ear and thier scared. Scare the crap out of an animal every minute of every day for very long and they're gonna be a little crazy.
  SO, I think when people can take music and just enjoy it for the music's sake, it won't hurt anybody. I do think every once in a while you need a good simple song to keep you from getting depressed, and I'm not saying constant heavy rock music is good for you, but I don't think its gonna magically make anybody wither and die on thier sofa. The PERSON can make decisions to listen without going out and doing everything they sing about and be O.K.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

you r right. there are some people who listen to hard music and they don't get that much impressed to stop reaching to success but the article is talking about public and the one who has written this article is not ILLITERATE. she has studied all her life to know the affections of different variety of music on our body. and it's not the thing that SHE says. it's the result of huge researches in huge universities. and these researches are not only about animals. one of the researches mentiones the 34% more success in university exams of the people who played piano against the ones who played timpani.
another thing is that those harsh sounds produces a high amount of adrenaline in body which makes a lot of stress.
and...i my self am a big fan of hard rock music and i don't thing that it's bad or irritating and maybe it depends on the person. whenever i listen to hard rock music it completely occupies my mind and just a second after i put down my headphones  i crazily start to repeat it in my mind and whisper the distorted sounds so i can't focus on a math problem to solve. i can't really think! (although i'm a big fan of hard rock.)
and at the school exams because of the adrenaline and also because of my mind's occupation i make a lot of strange mistakes which i didn't make last year when i played and listen to classical and country music.
anyway, i'm sorry if i have bothered you.

6 (edited by last_rebel 2008-01-08 00:57:06)

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

naw I was just talkin', not in an upset way, just gettin' in on the conversation. It is an interesting study, maybe the key is to balance it out. Enjoy heavy music sometimes but take a break now and then...
I've always heard that people who know music are better at math, but both me and my brother failed math last year, but can comprehend timing and musical progressions and patterns without any trouble....
'Course I play be ear alot more than by music.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

if you listen to classical music you may calm down and zone out

however in my opinion if you want to mellow out, you should turn off the music, close your eyes and think zen thoughts

listen to rock if you are bored with conformity, unformity, want change and difference - if you want a bit of adrenalin

To quote

" Rock and Roll aint noise pollution
Rock and Roll aint gonna die
Rock and Roll aint noise pollution
Rock and roll - it makes good good sense"

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Which idiot wrote this? Tell the government to direct their funds towards something useful, like music programs.

"You have to get over the love of power, and enjoy the power of love, in order to know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix.

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

i've decided to leave listening to hard rock music and making songs in this genre and i'm starting to play the classical songs tabs that i luckily have (actually i don't have the songs only and only because their composers are not alive to advertise their songs especially in the place that i live! lol)(and unfortunately i don't like the idea of thinking zen thoughts.)
maybe it can be useful to calm me down and free my mind and let it be much more powerful like past.
again, it's me so it's MY problem and you don't have to stop playing or listening to hard rock music cuz maybe it doesn't hurt you as much as it hurts me.
i'm not happy to stop listening to hard rock and making songs in this genre but i think i have to.
i'll tell you if the result was positive last_rebel! big_smile

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

There's no danger to playing electric MHD, the instrument can be as laid back and relaxed as you want it. Think of Mike Oldfield, king of the ambient vibe, his Gibson SG soars to the sky. Yet in Angus Young's hands that same Gibson SG is the hardest rocking axe.

Let the music take you where _you_ want to go.

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

11 (edited by mhdmhd 2008-01-08 17:25:25)

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

you r right cytania, but the problem is that i loved hard rock genre (even more than classic) and this was the only reason that forced me to start playing electric.

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Here's a quick fix, don't play heavy metal around mice. Music is not going to effect a persons mood to commit acts of violence.  I own too many fire arms yet I do not feel an urge to go out and commit acts of murder or mayhem. It is the individual and a lack of grounding that is the problem.  As mentioned before in a previous reply to this post spend the money on something else.


Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Wow. Just wow. Who comes up with this crap? Same people who said that the Sex Pistols could "only be improved by sudden death" (sic). It was actually said, in 1977, by a Member of Parliament. I may not have the quote exactly right, but it's pretty close.

No desire to touch the fire,
It's just a...just a sad obsession.

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

It's probably true that if you listen to hard rock cranked in your ears all the time, it eventually will effect you negatively ( of course, everything is relative depending on one's personality).  I personally believe that your choice of music should vary according to how you feel.  I would not want to listen to hard rock before going to sleep at night, but I would if I'm working out.  If I'm stressed out, some loud rock would be nice, but if I'm relaxed, some soft rock or country would suffice.  If you plug the average idiot into obnoxious death metal 10 hours a day, he most likely will go and do stupid things.  That's why your music shoudl change with your mood.

"A steering wheel don't mean you can drive, a warm body don't mean I'm alive"

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

mhdmhd wrote:

you r right cytania, but the problem is that i loved hard rock genre (even more than classic) and this was the only reason that forced me to start playing electric.

And this is a problem because.........................? You're not makin' a lick of sense.

Give everything but up.

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

you're talking about mice not humans!

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

All I know is this thread could lead to some great metal band names. A few off the top of my head:

Homicidal Rodents
Lost Inamaze
Neural Deafness
Spastic Hamsters
Wasted Grants

I could see a metal competition – what band could turn the mice homicidal the quickest? Winner gets a record contract.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

18 (edited by Siege of Troy 2008-02-03 04:48:25)

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Here's my thoughts.

Mice: They run on instinct, have no self conscious thought.

Humans: have the ability to tell right from wrong, and we are able to think for ourselves. We are completely responsible for our actions.

I think the effects that music has on 2 totally different species is not comparable. There seems to be a stereotype that all metal heads are violent, crude, dopey, drunk, and unstable. However, all of the guys in my metal band are well-put-together guys with decent jobs, loving families, and are overall decent people. I'm the biggest metal head out of all my friends, and I managed to graduate with a 3.8 grade point average (honor roll and scholarship worthy in the state of Ohio), and stay away from drugs.

I know a guy who won't listen to anything but classical music, is a huge drug addict, alcoholic, and semi-suicidal. Like Last_Rebel said, the crash inevitably comes from drugs and alcohol.

In the end, it really depends on the individual.


Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Two Things. One: Its a mouse. A mouse =/= To a Human. So you could play music to mice? I can to. Also you played music to these mice for *10 HOURS* quite frankly, I wouldn't be happy either. BTW, Congratulations on killing mice.

I forgot. I'm pretty sure its because of the heavy metal I listen to.

Sincerely, Zax.

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Come on we cant take one test and say "metal is bad".
i am 16 and been listening to heavy metal, death metal, hard rock and so on.
Yeah my hearing is bad (my fault for turing it up too much) but im a nice guy. i have friends
and i dont do drugs or fight.

Metal is not bad

The problem with the world is people having lack of commen sense...and warning labels. So if we remove warning labels the problem will fix itself.

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

lol. That's funny.

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

I think Rock will be around for a while yet - It will fade......and like fashion will come back and take on a new meaning and direction.It will never die - just when you think it has - some Joe Satriani or Zappa or Page will come along and re-invent the way things are done and sound.I also think there will be a new audience, kids who want to listen to guitar bands,loud and aggressive - we all go through it, its a part of being a teenanger.OOps teenager.
Rock On - Loud!
Turn the up the Marshall full ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"It's all about the Calluses, once you got them, you can't get rid of em!"

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

SGinCYQX wrote:

Which idiot wrote this? Tell the government to direct their funds towards something useful, like music programs.

Smartest thing I've probably ever read

You have to forget about what other people say; when you're supposed to die, when you're supposed to be lovin'. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.
                                                        -James Marshall Hendrix

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

I remember a report that the US army played Barney the dinosaur " I Love You" constantly to break the spirit of iraqi prisoners at Guantanamo Bay

that might tell you that any loud music can disturb your natural equilibrium if played repetitively at a  loud volume or that -

Barney is dangerous and possibly even evil.

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

All im going to say is that rock music and guitar music is my favourite thing so far
im not going to decide to give it up over a couple of dead mice.
but anyway i also agree cytania because u can play it when ur sad in a sad way or when ur happy u can rock out to anything. Guitar Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!(if only i could play it well)  sad sad