Topic: "Talking About Golf"

Happy New Year, everybody!  Here is a little satire  . . . .

Some people claim computer games cause adolescent violence.
Some people claim rock&roll causes youthful rebellion.

But, has anyone ever noticed that all the big-time embezzlers, tax cheats, and financial fraud artists are avid golfers?

Personally, I think golf causes greed in geezers!

Talking About GolfJames McCormick, January 1, 2008

The (whack!) should be the 'whoosh-crack' sound of a golf ball being hit off the tee

[D7]There's a [G7]plague upon society, a [C7]scourge upon our land

[G7]Spreading through our culture, like a [C7]cancer in our glands

It [G7]causes great despair for [C7]the economy

It [G7]causes white collar crime!It [D7]causes crazy greed! . . .

I'm talkin' 'bout [G7]golf (whack!) yeah golf, it's [C7]even on TV

Where [G7]decent folk and little kids can [C7]watch it constantly

Talkin' 'bout [G7]golf (whack!) yeah golf, a [C7]game of rogues and crooks

The [D7]kind who steal millions by [C7]cooking up the [G7]books . . .


That's [C7]'G' for greedy bastards, [G7]gambling on the greens

[C7]'O' for offshore bank accounts, [G7]opened secretly

[C7]'L' for lost investments, [G7]leaving widows poor

and [D7]'F' for friends with inside facts for [C7]trading on the [G7]floor . . .

[D7]Well, our [G7]federal penitentiaries are [C7]bursting at the seams

With [G7]con man embezzlers with [C7]evil greedy schemes

These [G7]criminals don't shoot guns, they [C7]don't stab with knives

But their [G7]financial misdeeds have [D7]ruined many lives . . .

I'm talkin' 'bout [G7]golf (whack!) yeah golf, the [C7]game of greedy thugs

[G7]Country clubs are street gangs with [C7]turf and fancy rugs

Talkin' 'bout [G7]golf (whack) yeah golf, ad-[C7]dictive just like crack

They're [D7]hooked on shooting under par, it [C7]keeps 'em coming [G7]back . . .


That's [C7]'G' for grandmas nest egg [G7]gone to greedy goons

[C7]'O' for obscene opulence of [G7]overfed buffoons

[C7]'L' for lapsed morality and [G7]illegalities

and [D7]'F' for frozen assets the [C7]courts are gonna [G7]seize . . .

[D7]Well [G7]maybe it's the chemicals in [C7]plastic balls and tees

Or [G7]all the fertilizer they [C7]spread upon the greens

Or [G7]maybe it's the rules that [C7]shrivel up their brains

But [G7]golfers become criminals [D7]greedy and insane . . .

I'm talkin' 'bout [G7]golf (whack!) yeah golf, oughtta [C7]be against the law

Ac-[G7]counting irregularities, em-[C7]bezzlement and fraud

Talkin' 'bout [G7]golf (whack!) yeah golf, e-[C7]xecutives with perks

[D7]Corporate pirates, a-[C7]moral greedy [G7]jerks . . .


That's [C7]'G' for grumpy geezers for [G7]graft and for greed

[C7]'O' for orange jumpsuits con-[G7]victed for misdeeds

[C7]'L' for loss of liberty a [G7]sentence very long

and [D7]'F' for federal time for [C7]financial [G7]wrongs

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Talking About Golf"

James McCormick!

Your pure magic! this one gave me my first big  belly laugh of the year.
Proof that golfers are self-abusive. Who else would spend there time and effort
on a game that spelled backwards reads "Flog" lol

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Well done James,

You have really done the game of golf justice with this one. The lyrics are clever and witty and the 7th chords give the right timbre to the song. You have definitely scored an ace with this one.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Old Doll, So glad that you got a good guffaw out of my golf song!
Roger, I figured you would also appreciate the satire in this ditty. 

Personally, I am calling my congressman to ask that special fact-finding hearings be convened to explore the correlation between excessive golfing and white-collar crime . . . .

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Great stuff James. Very witty.

"I'm talkin' 'bout golf (whack!) yeah golf" reminded me of Heywood Banks - yeah Toast!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: "Talking About Golf"

topdown, thanks for the intro to Heywood Banks - a delightfully wacky gentleman.  I'll enjoy hearing more of his stuff.

Actually, what I had in mind as I was writing 'Golf' was the song "Ya Got Trouble" from "The Music Man". This is where the con man is trying to stir up a frenzy amongst the residents of River City over the game of pool - a magnificent bit of theater:

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Another McCormick classic.  I'm dying over here!

You got trouble! With a capitol T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool!

Great film.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: "Talking About Golf"

HELP!  They're onto me already . . . lurking in the bushes with their gaudy Sansabelt slacks, Polo shirts, logo visors, spikey shoes, and smarmy cologne!  If you don't hear from me for several days, I've been kidnapped by the Professional Golfer's Association.  Don't pay the ransom - it will only enrich their global criminal network!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Talking About Golf"

  This is great. When I moved to the city last year, I was surprised to see all the hype about golf, a game that has never appealed to  me in the slightest. By the time I made it out of that school year I had developed a firm belief that golf was sadistic and insane, sucking the life out of people even MY age and filling thier already hollow souls with business like expressions and yuppyish boredom. Whatever happened to the jocks playing football???
I really don't see the appeal at all, you hit a ball, you watch it land, then you go hit it again. there's no teamwork, no competition, no loud and crazy fans cheering in the stands and eating cheap pickles and hot dogs! I think its main purpose is to secure business deals, but its strange to me to be sitting in a group of people my age without bands, movies, 'who's hot', or cars, or anything usual coming up, just boring golf golf golf golf..... blech!
Anyway great little song,

All You Need is Love smile

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Hello folks!
I have just posted a recording of 'Talking About Golf" to my MySpace Music page.

Hear it here:

(As always, it is a flawed recording of an imperfect rendition of a song that might actually be good.)

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Talking About Golf"

That is great James. I really like to hear these originals as opposed to just reading them.

This song and today's weather (70 deg) has motivated me - I'm headed to the course!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Excellent plan, topdown!
Just don't let any slick scam artists lure you into any nefarious schemes.
Glad you like the song.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Nice song James, very well written. Musically it has a "Feelin' Alright"  by Dave Mason kind of vibe. Good groove to this tune.
    My golfing experiences are very limited. Down here in the land of sunshine putt-putt courses are in almost every town and it seems that everytime a family member comes down for a visit, we end up on the golf ships.
Most of the courses are strategically built in a fake, 2 or 3 story, look-a-like, pirate ship. Now there are tons of the real courses too. Many of my friends and "business associates" spend probably more time than they should on the links. Me personally, I played one time in my life and shot a 108, for 9 holes!!!!! My wife beat me by about 45 shots. Many of the courses down here are visble from main roads and I know this is a horrible thing to do but I can't help myself. I slow down, set my sights on a golfer deep in concentration( or in mid swing) and lay on the horn and scream with my head out of the window as loud as I can!!! I realize it's very mean and selfish but I just can't help myself. I think I'd have more respect for golf if the players had to deal with the elements that real sportsmen had to deal with like inclement weather and crowd noise. If I've offended any golfers out there, it was intentional! (beeeeep-beeeeeeeep,aaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhh-hoooo-hoooo-beeeeep,beeeeeeeep)

Give everything but up.

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Brilliant!  Hole in one dude!


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Excellent James,

Such a good song and recording!  You should sell it to the highest bidder as "A Club House Anthem".

I and my Children were Golf Widow and orphans for more years then i care to remember.

James / Southpaw! Thats the funniest image! Heres another for you!  I was in spain with all the girlies one year. Where we stayed was on a golf course. One day walking back to the Hotel we took a short cut along the golf course. We had been bathing topless on the beach all day. So bikini bottoms and little tshirts to protect our modesty as we walked back
There were a few golfers ready to tee off. you could hear a pin drop.
Joan and my self waited till the guy was just about to hit the ball
and yanked our tops up exposing our well tanned bosoms at the same time shouting "Fore".

He spun all over the place  F##### us into hell and out! as his friends fell about laughing.

Well there was 4!  4 well tanned boobs lol That one still to this day makes me crease with laughter when i think of it. So so bold! lol

Well done James as always.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Nice recording James,

The finishing touch to a superb song, well done.


I see the Helena had been living up to her signature

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Talking About Golf"

What’s up with the golf haters? Chasing the white ball around is really just an excuse to spend 4 hours or so enjoying the great outdoors while drinking a cold beverage of your choice (mine is beer). It was a glorious day for January; don’t know if we’ll see the 70’s again until spring. It’s much more like hiking to me, since I spend most of the time in the woods.

Old Doll – I’m glad I read your post after I got back. Otherwise I would have had that image burned into my brain on every tee box. Would have been bad for my concentration I’m sure. wink tongue

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: "Talking About Golf"

Hope your round was fun, topdown.  I have no personal ill will toward golf or golfers - I just chose to goad this old sacred cow with a little satire.  I know some very fine people who get much satisfaction from playing golf and I don' begrudge them their fun.

My chosen sport is target archery.  Not the most physically demanding activity, but just like golf it requires skill, concentration, and patience.  I also get my kicks riding my recumbent bicycle.  Archery and cycling (and music, too) are activities that can be frightfully expensive should one choose to invest lots of money in fine equipment.

The only time I tried to play golf was with a girlfriend many years ago.  It was a Monday and the course was closed (that's another story).  She had played a little.  I had never played.  We had fun being together chasing and loosing balls until nightfall.  Together, we also discovered that the chemicals applied to golf greens are not good for your skin.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"