Topic: Totally clueless...looking for Colbie Caillat

Hi Im new at this whole online thing...I am looking for any Colbie Caillat songs mainly "Capri", "Realize", and "Feelings Show"
I would really appriciate any help you might be willing to offer. Also, somewhat of a side note...Im still learning the whole acoustic guitar...Im usually a bass if the chords were somehow simplified into easier, less complicated positions I would greatly appriciate it! Im still getting used to contorting my fingers into these odd positions! lol :-P Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
~Love And Blessings Always,
         Jordan Alexandra <3

Re: Totally clueless...looking for Colbie Caillat

Hi Jordan Alexandra & welcome to chordie!

Don't let the internet intimidate you - it's a wonderful tool for exploration and discovery.  Congratulations on taking on the challenge of learning guitar - don't leave the bass totally behind though because good bass players are precious.

I have searched for the songs you seek, but have not located it anywhere on the web (yet).  With rapidly emerging artists such as Ms. Caillet it sometimes takes a while for somebody to work out and post songs beyond the big breakthrough hits.

Regarding the simplification of chords - check chordie's resource page for a large chord chart.  You can click on any chord and find alternative fingerings.

Again, welcome to chordie and chordie's forum - lots of good people here.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Totally clueless...looking for Colbie Caillat

Hi Musician4jesus,
I think the what want is located here.... … ri_crd.htm
The chords maybe abit hard for a newbie but will give you a goal to aim for.
She has quite a few songs listed there.
Good luck and welcome to Chordie

Re: Totally clueless...looking for Colbie Caillat

Thank you very much for this link! I took a look at the chords and they are not too hard...they may not sound perfect and clear when I play it but like you said, it gives me a goal to aim for! Thank you again! Hope you have a Blesses New Year! God Bless!
~Love and Blessings Always,
       Jordan Alexandra