Topic: Country?

Lookin for someone to exchange some country ideas with? Anyone interested?

Re: Country?

Lyrics needing tunes, or tunes needing lyrics?


Re: Country?

hi blake we need a bit more info on the type of help you need...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Country?

anytime you come up with sumthin' you can always post it on here and ask one of us if we'd like to see what we can do with it. Me and jas have done a couple together that turned out pretty good.... Maybe you've got some lines we could look at??

All You Need is Love smile

5 (edited by BlakeHolland 2007-12-29 11:58:55)

Re: Country?

Yeah sorry yal i only get online at work lol I've got a few songs that i've written that i need to put some tunes with, I'm kinda new at this so.... But i really appreciate yall all helping me. I'll try to post them within the next few days. Preciate it yall!!  Bama

Re: Country?


I moved this topic to the chat section as I thought you were talking about countries and not country music.When I realised ye were talking about country music and ideas for writing country songs I moved it back lol



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Country?

Hi BlakeHolland and greetings from next door in Mississippi.
I would also be glad to help you graft some chords onto your lyrics.
It gets easier with time to marry the words and music together.

Here is something you may find useful - just stumbled on this nifty web gizmo earlier today:
Pick a key, pick a progression, pick a style & then see and hear the sequence of chords - very cool and sure to spark your imagination.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Country?

Thanks man I'm gonna check into that when I have alittle more time, I'm gonna try to remember to put some songs on here tom. Thanks again for all of yal's help. Keep givin me ideas! Bama