Topic: Book of the Year

Hey Chordie
How about having a songbook of the year prize? I look to the public songbooks for inspiration, to spot songs that I'd forgotten, songs that passed me by when I was younger because they were too familiar. I now play songs that I didn't know I liked! This is why I feel disappointed when I see songbooks posted containing 4 songs which are either blindingly obvious or at the far end of obscure. So go on Chordie - set a benchmark and give us all something to aspire to. GIVE AN AWARD TO THE YEAR'S BEST SONGBOOK.
Thanks to all who run and use Chordie. I play better because of you. Happy New Year
Bim x

Re: Book of the Year

That's a good idea. Other tab sites(not as good as chordie) have something like that. Also by your post number,Welcome to Chordie!! smile


Re: Book of the Year

Hi Bim and welcome to Chordie

It has been suggested before I think.
I do not know what the outcome was though.
If we had people voting for their favourite songbooks made up by chordie members then we would have to judge it along the lines of what is in the songbook i.e if it says country songs then you find a guns n roses song etc, also for the layout, i.e. chords or tabs. Correct chords etc. It could take ages to look into nominated songbooks. For this we would need a few judges ( that could not be entered in the competition) with a lot of spare time to look through all the books nominated and then into the songs to make sure every song was ok.

This would take a very long time.

Or is there another fair way to do it?


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Book of the Year

It is a great idea. If anyone has an idea about how to organize it, I can put up some prices.

One start would be that I add an extra category (last months additions). A jury could then pick the "best of the Month"-book. And we could vote for these later?

However I will need some volunteers here. I do not have time to organize this myself.