Topic: "The Moment"

Once I was well into writing this song I realized it is a eulogy for one of our dogs who's health is declining with her advanced age.  We have been through this stage before and it is never easy.

The song is a tender lullaby, trance-like and simple.

The MomentJames McCormick, December 7, 2007

A tender eulogy . . .

[C]Every dog has her day 'cos every day is [F]new

[C]Living in the moment is what a dog can [F]do

The [C]past, never second-guessed, future is a [F]myth

The [C]moment it is everything, nothing [G]else e-[C]xists

It's gonna [F]be a long long winter with-[C]out your loving touch

[F]Loyal friend through thick and thin, we'll [G]miss you very much

[G7]Your [C]big old drooly muzzle, your [F]big old rumbly snore

The [G]best old friend who ever did just [F]show up at our [C]door . . . [G]

Well [C]people, we got worries got woes and doubts and [F]debts

[C]Worries 'bout all kinds of stuff hasn't happened [F]yet

The [C]moment gets forgotten, buried in de-[F]bris

The [C]future and the past are all we [G]want to [C]see

Gonna [F]be a long long winter with-[C]out your company

You'll [F]always be a hero with-[G]in our family

[G7]Your [C]big old drooly muzzle, your [F]big old rumbly snore

[G]Best old friend who ever did just [F]show up at our [C]door . . . [G]

[C]Life is very simple seen through an old dog's [F]eyes

[C]Time to eat, time to sleep, no need to anal-[F]yze

[C]Grooving on the planet, nose up to the [F]breeze

[C]Scratch a bit, guard the house from squirrels [G]in the [C]trees

Gonna [F]be a long long winter with-[C]out your eyes of brown

Our [F]home will be so empty with-[G]out our faithful hound

[G7]Your [C]big old drooly muzzle, your [F]big old rumbly snore

[G]Best old friend who ever did just [F]show up at our [C]door . . . [G]

A [C]dog is not a child, . . . a dog is not a [F]mate

A [C]dog is just a critter, won't let you sleep too [F]late

[C]Natural philosophers with tails and furry [F]feet

[C]Dogs will help you keep your house from being [G]way too [C]neat

Gonna [F]be a long long winter with-[C]out your good advice

A [F]better lifestyle guru can't be [G]hired at any price

[G7]Your [C]big old drooly muzzle, your [F]big old rumbly snore

[G]Best old friend who ever did just [F]show up at our [C]door . . . [G]

[C]Death is not an enemy when every moment's [F]pain

[C]Changes us back into dust like wind across the [F]plains

You [C]know I'm here with you, you're very much a-[F]dored

You're [C]waiting at the threshold of death's [G]open [C]door

It's gonna [F]be a long long winter with-[C]out your loving touch

[F]Loyal friend through thick and thin, we'll [G]miss you very much

[G7]Your [C]big old drooly muzzle, your [F]big old rumbly snore

[G]My old friend I'll help you through [F]mercy's open [C]door

Is [C]mercy in the moment, . . . . is mercy in re-[F]lease

Is [C]mercy in the medicine, . . . . is mercy in the [F]grief

Is [C]mercy ever easy, . . . . is mercy bitter-[F]sweet

Is [C]mercy in the moment when the moment [G]is com-[C]plete

. . . [G] . . . [G7] . . .

[C]Every dog has her day 'cos every day is [F]new

[C]Living in the moment is what a dog can [F]do

The [C]past, never second-guessed, future is a [F]myth

The [C]moment it is everything, nothing [G]else e-[C]xists

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "The Moment"

A touching song and reverent tribute to a friend - Well done James.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "The Moment"

Hi James,

This song made me shed tears. I so love dogs. Any dog lover will so
understand what a terrible decision it is to make.
My beautiful Dog as a puppy used to lie  on my bed on his back. His new paws, were like the softest italian leather. Im going all gooey even
thinking of them now!

My Border collie before these 2 spared me! She at 18 years, just had a heart attack lying at my feet one evening and died in my arms...

Is [C]mercy in the moment, . . . . is mercy in re-[F]lease
Is [C]mercy in the medicine, . . . . is mercy in the [F]grief
Is [C]mercy ever easy, . . . . is mercy bitter-[F]sweet
Is [C]mercy in the moment when the moment [G]is com-[C]plete

My other dog is gettin on and im dreading the day
i may have to make that decision.

Mercy is in the moment James, beautiful way to word it. But you and your family are still gonna cry! and why not!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful insight into this unusual Subject.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "The Moment"

James they say it's a kindness but it doesn't feel like it at the time.
She grew up with the kids. I true member of the family in all senses.
What more can I say it's all there in your song
Well done


Re: "The Moment"

hi james a truly touching song,we lost our dog earlier this year we wont be having another its like losing one of your family ,so we decided its not worth all the anguish...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "The Moment"

Hi and 'Thank You' everyone for your kind comments . . .

I have posted a recording of 'The Moment' to my MySpace Music page:


"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "The Moment"

Just beautiful.  And I don't even like dogs cool

Knowing that everything that lives is born to die doesn't seem to help when it's happening to you.


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: "The Moment"

Bonedaddy, glad you like the song - but sorry you don't like dogs . . .
I couldn't imagine not having at least one dog.
Never really intended to have six, but that's what happens when you just can't say "No".
Between all the human and canine activities, there is never a dull moment at our home.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "The Moment"

It's funny how a random line takes on it's own life to become a song, then you realise that the song is more personal than you thought at the time you were writing it. This is a very personal song, it is truly heartfelt, I fully understand the trauma and grief experienced when losing a loved one regardless of whether it's a person or a pet. As a child we always had dogs, chickens [I wanted to keep one as a pet, so my father made me cut off it's head and we ate it at probably didn't need to know that] and cats, my cat ran away, I felt so betrayed that now I hate them. Any way beautiful song, I hope you can make some big bucks out of it.
Phill...keep smiling

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: "The Moment"

Hi James,

I am writing this quietly as I do not want the cats to hear, I might get clawed if they do. I am really a dog person even though I have two cats (there is a 2,500 word story about that but this is not the place for that).

A wonderful moving song about an obviously much loved pet and the passing on of one is the loss an integral part of your family. There will be much sadness and grief when her time comes but then will come the smiles for the happy times you have shared.

Nicely recorded too, thank you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"