1 (edited by jets60 2007-11-17 04:07:02)

Topic: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Just like what the song says I wonder about this but people are never comfortable talking about this other than to attempt a conversion into whatever they believe in at the time which is usually why those thoughts stay in my head. Anyway for me, although I do have believes, I also have doubts and wish I had assurances that would help me to get rid of them. That’s enough jabber. I hope you like the song.

Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality By Jeff Gilpin

November 16th, 2007


[G] [E] [Am]

Verse 1

[Am]Unspoken thoughts about mor[C]tality [G]

[Am]Are always running round my [C]head [G]

[Am]Must be the fear of what I [C]cannot see [G]

Or not [Am]knowing what happens when I’m [C]dead [G]

Verse 2

Some re[Am]ligions say believe and [C]you’ll be saved [G]

But [Am]they don’t give you any guaran[C]tees[G]

When you [Am]go they say you’ll go on up to [C]heaven [G]

But [Am]in your mind there’s doubt not certain[C]ty [G]


[F7]I guess what I’m [C]saying

Is it [G]sure would be nice to [Am]know

Am I re[F7]born or do I a[C]scend

Or just [G]decompose away like melting [E]snow

Verse 3

[Am]Unspoken thoughts about mor[C]tality [G]

Does [Am]asking these questions make me [C]weak [G]

It [Am]doesn’t mean I am a [C]man of little [G]faith

I Want a [Am]look behind the curtain… I want a [C]peek [G]

Verse 4

So un[Am]til I know I’m useless when I [C]deal with [G]death

Not [Am]knowing messes up my [C]mind [G]

But [Am]if by some miracle the [C]secret is re[G]vealed

I would [Am]sure make better use of my [C]time [G]


[F7]I guess what I’m [C]saying

Is it [G]sure would be nice to [Am]know

Am I re[F7]born or do I a[C]scend

Or [G]decompose away like melting [E]snow

Verse 5   

So [Am]lord heavenly Father or who[C]ever is out [G]there

[Am]Hear me as I seek enlighten[C]ment [G]

Re[Am]veal which road should be the [C]path I should [G]follow

So I [Am]won’t look back at where I should have [C]went [G]

Verse 6

[Am]If this is too much to [C]ask for [G]

[Am]How about just giving me a [C]clue [G]

But be[Am]fore you start remember [C]I’m not very [G]smart

So redi[Am]rect me if I go as[C]kew[G]

Ending Chorus

[F7]I guess what I’m [C]saying

Is it [G]sure would be nice to [Am]know

Am I re[F7]born or do I a[C]scend

Or [G]decompose away like melting [Am]snow

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

2 (edited by marcalan 2007-11-17 17:10:35)

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Jets, this piece is great especially the chorus. It reminds me of the letters of Mother Teresa, that were just published. She never intended to publish them and if fact wanted to destroy them. Look for them I think you'll be surprised at the content. I'm not preaching but just assure you there are others who think the same with even more weight. Brother in Arms...marcalan

Reverie                                      m. mcvicker 2004                           

As I raise my head from my stinking bed,
I cannot find my sight.
From golden morn till dark forlorn,
for every breath, I fight.

My vision clears, to my worst of fears,
I see my body weak and gray.
My mind is young, but my time has come
as my flesh will be torn away.

My spirit will fly, that day I die.
Unto my Lord, I will be received!
But that time is known to God alone.
I shall not be deceived.

I will fight this day, to make my way                                               
to the River that I know.
And with a laugh, I will launch my raft.
Spirit, with flesh in tow!

In a 'gators crawl, through the wet leaves of fall,
to the River, air cool, heavy, and wet.
Among the smell of dirt and dead fish, I make one wish;
if I live through the night, I will beset.

Lord, can I be insane, do I have half a brain,
to set my course in life so late?
Would you wait so long to reveal my new song?
Into your hands, I resign my fate.

There was a time, when I was in prime,                                       
your will I prayed to serve.                                                         
Be still and wait, my faith in debate,
to the point I almost lost my nerve.

Evening draws in and the night will begin.
Until dawn will You hold me safe and near.
Lord, and then, with the strength of the,"mighty men",
I will rise and have no fear!

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Hi Jeff,

It took me the first verse and a half to get the  rhythm and timing flowing but once there I enjoyed playing it. The lyrics, well they ask the question that we would all like to know the answer to. Some have faith and believe others hope for the best.

One little point. The last word in the 6th verse, unless this is an American word we Brits do not know, it may be a typing error.

Thank you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Beautiful Jets,

Very thought provoking! I did go through a phase one time thinking like that.

I came to the conclusion i was wasting valuable present time. So I dont think about it
no more..Sure had i known i was gonna live even this long i would have minded myself
more! Anyways im still here for today.
! Unless things go more askew! { Slightly wrong Crazy= Erring   or any of the Silly things thats puts me on the wrong path .}

As always jets
thank You.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

I thought the lycrics were very much like searching as if on some spritual journey for answers that cant be given in our physical state if its any comfort one of the laws of physics is "matter can niether be created or destroyed" if you burn a piece of wood you dont destroy the wood you only change the molecular structure that piece of wood has changed to ashes much the same with all forms of life after death they decompose and take on a new identity we as humans myself included wonder what lies beyond these earthly bonds im not worried because i believe everything in this world,solar system,galaxie and the entire universe is made of electrical charges the physical body is comprised of atoms protons neutrons electrons and some particles even smaller the human mind "thinks" and the process of thinking is nothing more then electrical synapses of the brain as is the physical makeup of everything in gods universe dont worry you,ll have the answers when you depart enjoy the present the past is gone and the futures just beginning acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

6 (edited by Old Doll 2007-11-18 03:09:20)

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Hi Acapo,
one of the best books i ever read and still have in my posession is
Deepak Chopra. The Seven Spiritual laws to Success. Also
"The Power of Positive Thinking" from way back.
I do wish someone would write a book about "The Power of Laughter"
Maybe they did and i haven't come across it?

I personally think this is the best tonic for the Human Being. I have had so much of this tonic tonight, Its just like good sex? If God made
anything better "He definitely Kept it for Himself" lol
Thanks Jets and Acapo for this thread. I do wish it could be continued

Old Doll..

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Hey - thanks for all the comments. I pretty much figured I was not alone in this.
Marc - thanks for sharing the poem - very thought provoking. I can't say I'll ever figure out until that fateful day what will happen. I won't let it take up too much of my mind though...life's too short.
Lena - thanks - I sure wish I could play sing as good as you...okay write as good as well. This phase has pretty much been with me since childhood when a friend of mine was killed in a car crash. It didn't feel like he was gone and yet he was. Later in my life when many other friends and relatives died, I still felt like they were alive and kicking even though I knew they were not. So I still wonder about them and what will happen when eventually me, my wife and kids will die. I'm not a very good funeral person. I have no clue how to act. Words like sorry for your loss feel hollow when I truly don't know the extent of the loss. There is a big difference between going to a better place, a place of enlightenment and turning back into the earth. I guess I'll live with it and see.
Hey Acapo - I think I get what you are saying. I'm not sure I buy into atoms that make me up still being me when I die even though there are great amounts of power in even the smallest morsel of matter. I'm also not sure I buy into the whole spiritual side that I want to believe is in me yet I cannot feel it touch it ....sense it. Fortunately for me it does make for a good song topic.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

jets60 wrote:

Hey - thanks for all the comments. I pretty much figured I was not alone in this.
Marc - thanks for sharing the poem - very thought provoking. I can't say I'll ever figure out until that fateful day what will happen. I won't let it take up too much of my mind though...life's too short.
Lena - thanks - I sure wish I could play sing as good as you...okay write as good as well. This phase has pretty much been with me since childhood when a friend of mine was killed in a car crash. It didn't feel like he was gone and yet he was. Later in my life when many other friends and relatives died, I still felt like they were alive and kicking even though I knew they were not. So I still wonder about them and what will happen when eventually me, my wife and kids will die. I'm not a very good funeral person. I have no clue how to act. Words like sorry for your loss feel hollow when I truly don't know the extent of the loss. There is a big difference between going to a better place, a place of enlightenment and turning back into the earth. I guess I'll live with it and see.
Hey Acapo - I think I get what you are saying. I'm not sure I buy into atoms that make me up still being me when I die even though there are great amounts of power in even the smallest morsel of matter. I'm also not sure I buy into the whole spiritual side that I want to believe is in me yet I cannot feel it touch it ....sense it. Fortunately for me it does make for a good song topic.

I believe the expression "leap of faith" comes to mind

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

That is very true. I think the "leap" part has to have a stronger support structure than I have right now but I'm working on it.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

jets60 wrote:

That is very true. I think the "leap" part has to have a stronger support structure than I have right now but I'm working on it.

I think that is the whole nature of faith... believing in the intangible.  I drive buses for a living, mostly along country roads so I get a bit of thinking time and this question has cropped up more than once.  I'd like to think I could come back a little wiser and give myself a head start next time... I don't like the thought that this is all we get!

Take care

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

good song by the way!:cool:

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Thanks Bonedaddy - I'm with you there. I tried to pass on what I wish I had known to my kids from time to time and they usually give me this "whatever dad" look to let me know I'm wasting my time.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

jets60 wrote:

Thanks Bonedaddy - I'm with you there. I tried to pass on what I wish I had known to my kids from time to time and they usually give me this "whatever dad" look to let me know I'm wasting my time.

we are all working on it in our own way does anyone remember desiderada im not sure i spelled it correctly bu it was a reading put to music and recorded by a disk jockey about thirty years ago the text was discovered in a monastry acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Roger Guppy wrote:

Hi Jeff,

It took me the first verse and a half to get the  rhythm and timing flowing but once there I enjoyed playing it. The lyrics, well they ask the question that we would all like to know the answer to. Some have faith and believe others hope for the best.

One little point. The last word in the 6th verse, unless this is an American word we Brits do not know, it may be a typing error.

Thank you,


the word i believe is askew which means to go astray or make a mistake acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

Hi Acapo,

i do believe you mean this beautiful piece. I was given this in my late teens and have given it to many friends since.

desiderata - by max ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann c.1920

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Unspoken Thoughts About Mortality

I'll give you a guarantee.  True salvation or double your worship back once you're dead. 

Man, I am so looking forward to meeting you some day.  Passed through your neck of the woods for a jamm session at a buddy's house last weekend.  Oddly enough, we were working on a song that addresses this very issue.  If I get my buddy's permission, I'll post it here crediting him.   It's a Country Gospel song.  All three of us jamming on it were redeemed sinners who could really feel it.   It's not my studio (mostly 'cause I haven't got one), so I couldn't invite others, but I'll ask whether I may next time we do it. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude