Topic: "High-Tech Spaghetti"

I grew up working on cars - old VW Beetles and Renault LeCars.  Rebuilt several engines and used to take great pride in being able to diagnose and repair what I drove.

Haven't really worked on my cars in years - too busy and too decadent.  Had to replace the battery in my wife's 2002 VW Beetle today.  Thought it would be a simple task . . . dumb mistake.  Took all afternoon to coax the battery from deep within the bowels of the engine compartment.  Had to use some colorful German vocabulary that I learned in college . . .

Anyway, here is a song . . .  sort of country, sort of melancholy . . .

High-Tech SpaghettiJames McCormick, November 11, 2007

[G]Used to be an [C]automobile was [G]something I could fix

[C]Simple tools, a couple of beers, yeah [Em]that would do the [D]trick

[C]Reach right in, [D]twist some bolts, [G]make it run just [C]right

But [C]now that is im-[D]possible 'cuz [C]everything's too [G]tight

I [C]open up my [D]hood now and [G]all there is to [C]see

Is [C]hoses, tubes, and [D]miles of wire just [C]high-tech spaghet-[G]ti

My [G]oil filter is [C]buried way down [G]somewhere in this mess

[C]Spark plugs are in there someplace, but [Em]I can only [D]guess

[C]Somewhere in this [D]awful maze there [G]is a batte-[C]ry

But e-[C]xactly where and [D]why it [C]is a myste-[G]ry

I [C]open up my [D]hood now and [G]all there is to [C]see

Is [C]hoses, tubes, and [D]miles of wire, just [C]high-tech spaghet-[G]ti

[G]Used to be an [C]automobile was [G]something I could tune

[C]Reach right in, grab a part, there [Em]was a lot of [D]room

[C]Cars today are [D]marvelous, so [G]technically ad-[C]vanced

But [C]I miss wiping [D]grease and oil all [C]over my shirt and [G]pants

I [C]open up my [D]hood now and [G]all there is to [C]see

Is [C]hoses, tubes, and [D]miles of wire just [C]high-tech spaghet-[G]ti

Yeah, [C]hoses, tubes, and [D]miles of wire just [C]high-tech spaghet-[G]ti

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "High-Tech Spaghetti"

hi james your right i have a job just to find a dipstick and it cost a bomb to take it to a garage to plug it in a diagnostic computer
and there's that many censors its technology gone mad.anyway jazzy tune james well done...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "High-Tech Spaghetti"

haha catchy little title James, a nice idea. I'm clueless about this stuff, (Well not as clueless as SOME people but still not very handy). Anyway catchy little tune James big_smile

All You Need is Love smile

Re: "High-Tech Spaghetti"

Hi James,
welcome back! even if you are smellling of axle grease lol
Ive driven all kinds of cars, from lexus to Jeeps to Renault Meganne.
But my alltime favourite, is my Yaris liftback. Cars are very expensive here.
But this car is a little dream to drive and easy on petrol. Now if it breaks down, sure ill give you a shout.
I have badeye to do my decking, Roger to do my plumbing, Fatpainter
to archritrave, and James for machanics.. Per this site gets better every day.

Good Song.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "High-Tech Spaghetti"

good song James and one I can relate to.
I was telling my mate yesterday I am selling my renault laguna cdi for a smaller car, one i can open the bonnet ( hood) and say yeah, I can fix that, instead of the big cover hiding the engine, then you take the cover off to find a big lump of metal that looks nothing like an engine.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: "High-Tech Spaghetti"

Hi James,

I whole heartedly agree with you in the song, manufacturers are making cars so difficult to work on that it is not only the man in the street like you and I but all the small one and two man garages that are suffering. At one time I sold diagnostic equipment to garages and I know how the smaller places struggled to try to keep up to date with the technology.

That being said you have a nice fun song there that is easy to play and enjoy.

Thank you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "High-Tech Spaghetti"

yes that why i'm glad i have a old truck lol
great song