1 (edited by jets60 2007-10-27 07:48:58)

Topic: Ayase Lullaby

On my vacation we stayed with my wife’s sister, Yumiko in Ayase. Ayase is one of the many cities that make up suburban Tokyo. I had the pleasure of meeting my nieces, Honika and Hisako and my nephew Yoshinori for the first time on this visit. Yoshinori is the youngest and he is like a little energizer bunny that never stops so he’s a chore to put to bed at night so I promised Yumiko to write a song that might help so here it is. If you want to learn more about Ayase here is a link and I’m sure there are more:

Ayase Lullaby By Jeff Gilpin

October 27th, 2007


[G] [D] [C] [G]

[G] [D] [G]

Verse 1

[G]It’s night[D]time in [C]old A[G]yase

[G]It’s nighttime all [C]over Tok[D]yo

[G]It’s night[D]time in [C]old Aya[G]se

And the [G]kids all know [D]where they have to [G]go

They’ve [C]all got busy days to[G]morrow

And they’re [C]futons are all laid [D]out

It’s [G]off to [D]sleep in [C]old A[G]yase

[G]Off you go [D]now but don’t [G]pout

Verse 2

But [G]Yoshi [D]wants to [C]play a little [G]longer

He’s [G]not a bit tired and [C]wants to stay a[D]wake

He [G]wants to [D]show his [C]sisters who’s [G]stronger

And [G]what difference will a [D]few minutes [G]make

But he [C]knows that he can’t [G]fight it

He [C]knows that it won’t [D]keep

[G]So it’s [D]off to [C]bed for little [G]Yoshi

Where [G]he’ll keep [D]playing in his [G]sleep

Verse 3

Now [G]all the little [D]boys and [C]girls are [G]sleeping

[G]Dreaming of whatever their [C]minds are thinking [D]of

Their [G]friends, their [D]family or [C]things that they [G]fancy

[G]Everything [D]that they dearly [G]love

[C]As quite descend on their [G]households

The [C]train rumbles through the [D]town

And [G]sleep des[D]cends on [C]old A[G]yase

As their [G]children are [D]sleeping safe and [C]sound[G]

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Ayase Lullaby

This is lovely jets.

God i could nearly smell the cherry blossom.

Ps, i had a futon jets, dont know how anyone sleeps comfortable on them.

old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Ayase Lullaby

Hi Jeff,

Lovely song but I must let you into a little secret I was just getting to the end of the second verse and then remembered it was a 'go to sleep lullaby'. Ooops! I was giving it a real thrash, enough to keep the dead awake. Start again, nice and easy slow fingerpicking this time, and it works real well. Mind you my first version might suit young Yoshinori better lol

Thank you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Ayase Lullaby

Thanks for you comments-
Jas - I already kind of promised my sister-in-law that I would record it for her so it's on my list.
Old Doll - My back was a little sore from 10 days of sleeping on futons but I was getting use to it in the in.
Roger - The good thing about chordie is getting to try songs usually unheard so I'm glad you had a good time trashing it out first, and yes that would be pretty much how yoshi whoould have liked it.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C