Topic: Problem adding songs to songbook

I have four different songbooks.  I am having trouble adding any more songs to any of them.  None have the maximum number of songs.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thx.   Rich

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

I cant get it to work at all ! Help !!

A five yr old could understand this. Somebody fetch a five yr old !
Groucho Marx

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

The button for adding songs to your songbook is on the right hand side... Maybe I should move it up??

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

I click on the add button like I have always done, and it acts like the song is added, but when I go into my songbook, it is not there. 


Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

Anybody else having problems adding songs to their songbook?

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

I just tried adding songs and it worked fine.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

Worked for me also - perhaps rmead is going to their songbook by clicking the 'back' button on the browser (rather than clicking the 'my songbook' button on chordie)?

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

8 (edited by earthcreeper 2007-10-01 16:53:03)

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

Never mind.

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

Tried to put "the Dangling Conversation" by Simon and Garfunkel in my songbook but there were no lyrics.

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

I know Admin will be looking for a link to the song you are trying and also what you are using i.e Firefox, explorer etc.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Problem adding songs to songbook

I've been having that problem Also.