Topic: copying from chordie

I have been copying songs from chordie for three years now without any problems. Lately however, when i have blocked and copied, i have got a TABLE with columns and rows along with the chords and lyrics. I never got thise before, and they are a great pain in the neck.

so has there been some change? How do i get rid of this table thing?


Re: copying from chordie

Hi aboutme - Yes, there has been a change in the programming recently.  Not being a programmer, I can't speak to the technical details except to say that the changes were meant to improve the rendering and printing of the songs.

You can hit the little printer icon off to the right of any song to get a printout of the songsheet.  It is not necessary to copy the songs into another program just to print.

However, should you want to copy the 'raw' or unformatted song you can do this:
1  Move the song into your songbook.
2  Open the song using the green 'edit' button at the end of it's listing.
3  In the upper pane you will see the raw song.
4  Copy and paste the contents of that upper window.
5  You can also easily alter the contents of the upper window to change or eliminate what is there.  This editing feature allows you to customize the song to suit your taste.

Hope this helps - James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: copying from chordie

I never knew you could copy and paste songs into a program like microsoft word etc. before. That is the reason why Per made changes so you can do it.
I noticed too though these bloacks surrounding the text but there is no need anyway. as James said there is ways round this problem by going into the edit and copying or pressing print.

there are a lot of features on Chordie, not all will suit everyone. If Per was to constantly change things to suit one or two people out of over 122,000 he would have to give up his day job and tell his wife to look after their new baby on her own so he can constantly ehlp people on here.

I am not having a go at anyone asking for help here, just saying how it is. Chordie admin consists of one guy and a few of us help moderate.

I am sure Per would still like suggestions on how to improve even if he doesnt go along with every change that is mentioned, he still reads and considers them all I am sure.
OUt of all the people online I interact with, he is the one person top of my list to get a beer and a whisky bought for if he ever enters on MY scottish soil.



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending