1 (edited by TIGLJK 2023-05-13 12:37:35)

Topic: Astral Dream Woman (re written)

I was not satisfied at all with the original version of this song.

I revamped some of the lyrics and changed the Chords - played it  a bit more up tempo,
yet tried to retain some of the sadness the lyrics invoke.
I will try to get a version recorded, by my singing and playing don't exactly enhance the song smile

New Lyrics and Chords

Astral Dream Woman by Jim Kenyon

Verse 1


[Em]A butterfly vision with lovely soft wings

[C]etched with free spirits like cosmic stars

[G]She lived by her own rules,made no excuses

[D]kept no secrets, just [C]followed her [Em]heart


Verse 2


[Em]her head filled with dreams, no boundaries, no fears

[C]hopes and desires like the moon as an enchanted night

[G]a freed soul in the water, flowing with love and passion

and a [D] song in her heart, a [C]rhapsody played just [Em]right



[C]A veil covers time, and once more I am there

seems [G] ecstasy winds are blowing across the sea

Oh I [C]stand on the sand, where just for a moment

I [D]hear her sweet voice that [C]brings her back to [G]me


Guitar solo

[Em][C][G] [D] [C][G]


Verse 3


[Em]Love's sparks and flames still burn in my soul

but [C] get lost in the cold, cruel silence of night

my [G] heart cannot, for its own sake, ever forget

this [D] astral dream woman, the [C] the love of my [Em] life



[C]A veil covers time, and once more I am there

seems [G] ecstasy winds are blowing across the sea

Oh I [C]stand on the sand, where just for a moment

I [D]hear her sweet voice that [C]brings her back to [G]me


outgo- slower

I [C]stand on the sand, where just for a moment

I [D]hear her sweet voice that [C]brings her back to [G]me

Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke