Good poem there Brian to get people thinking about the price of gas and how the world governments had become partly dependent on Russia for oil and gas . Though I am not sure how to resolve the problem the move by various governments to lower oil production has helped raise the price of fuel. Major Banks and financial institutions in recent times, have been busy making net-zero commitments, they have also become less willing to finance oil and gas projects, and the companies normally responsible for these projects. The supermajors and other large oil and gas players - have themselves stepped on the net-zero path. Here in NZ we have ability to produce some of our own oil but the push against fossil fuel means these valuable options have been shut down. By shutting down American production, the US also gave up its control over the oil price. As a net exporter of oil, the US also supplied the world market. Thus the US had previously a role with both supply and demand. Before now, any time oil prices surged, the US could enter the market with more supply and thus help control prices. Moreover, as a non-OPEC producer, the US had some control over global oil prices.
Every so called environmentally friendly electric vehicle, and most hybrid vehicles, rely on large lithium-ion batteries weighing hundreds of pounds. Typically made with cobalt, nickel, and manganese, among other components, these batteries cost thousands of dollars and come with an environmental burden: the ability a require ingredients sourced from polluting mines and smelters around the world, and they can ultimately contaminate soil and water supplies if improperly disposed. In the rush to embrace this technology, auto companies are adopting the same pretense that has been embraced by the plastics industry: They are claiming that used batteries will be recycled. However, the truth is being swept under the rug. None of the lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles are recyclable in the same sense that paper, glass, and lead car batteries are. Opps I'm raving on.