Topic: Ninnyhammers
A poem about shutting down diversity of opinion.
One of the infinite things in life is human stupidity.
Ninnyhammers abound everywhere.
In cold water mutton heads rise to the top.
Simmering resentments in the heat can make still water boil.
Chowderheads silenced by the ice of those who don’t like their choice of words.
Making them silent wont stop the hidden heat.
A hidden fire under the pot not exposed is still there.
Adding energy to simmering resentment.
Hidden pressure lifts the lid.
Trying to please the cocktail shakers to get a press five star.
You took mutton heads off your menu.
Meanwhile in a back alley somewhere else mutton heads are waiting to be dished up.
Hidden from the cameras satisfied stomachs receive the mutton head fare.
Ashamed that their mutton head nourishment has added to their health and good condition.
Chowderheads with their expensive cocktails on the main street show disdain.
For the Snobknows downing mutton head delights is now a secret indulgence.
Ninnyhammers strike again from the shallows
Trendy charismatic characters lacking substance attract those wanting to be part of the in crowd.
Mutton heads exploding a tomfool theory with little foundation onto the subordinate.
Disciples now convinced of an imaginary threat caused by those back in the paddock waiting to head to the pot.
Good fodder.
Political sheepdogs rounding up their sheep.
All popular unproven portentousness placed on the innocent by pompous advocates.
Intellectual cocktail shakers can't stop the raising of fists and the shaking of heads.
In the middle of a storm is silence.