Topic: active musicians

I just saw a topic written by "dagger" I think, being proud that he is playing in a band and that people pay about 1000$, I hope he can continue, and I am proud that someone is proud and honest to tell this.
I wanted to know a few things, if it is not asked too much.
- are there members who are active in a band and giving "gigs" with their band.
- if yes, are they professional, or semi professional.
- is there 1 or more "chordian" who can live from what he's doing? meaning by playing guitar alone or in group? We know that this site is getting bigger and bigger, and I am also interested if there are professional musicians on this site.
- we, you and me, know already and learned in particular, a lot of tips, tricks, chords, songs, and I like the fact that everybody here is really nice and friendly and always prepared to encourage each other, to help each other.
- some chordians know a lot of music and others don't. BUT the purpose is to give your knowledge to newbies, and even learning from newbies.

So are there on CHORDIE musicians who are able to live from their music? (I don't ask how much they are paid, that's up to the person if he want to tell it)

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: active musicians

hey    i definately wish i could get paid for being in my band but seeming as im only 14 nd have only played a few songs at my high school it doesnt seem like much of a reality for me right now! dude u posted some questions in this i would b very interested to no about so sum one post something! please coz im really curious!    amy

" Live Freaky! Die Freaky! "
                                         Billie Joe Armstong

Re: active musicians

Hi there,
I´m new here and from Germany. Often I have gigs with my Band or alone. we get money for the gigs but I´m not professional. If we get one or two gigs a month we are happy. It´s a hard job to live from your music. In Germany if you want to live from your music you have work very hard for your gigs. If you call 100 People for a gig, maybe you get one and then it´s good result.


Re: active musicians

Well friend S, this sounds like music to me. I was told a few times, that I could play without a problem with "mainstream" bands. I didn't have time back then, and now, because of an accident, it is difficult, I HAVE to sit, and it is for a limited time. I was accepted for a job on a Cruise Ship, but again, my accident killed that dream. I have not enough experience to REMEMBER ALL THE SONGS, even playing pretty well. One skill I have left, and I am pretty good in it is HYPNOSIS. I am able to perform without a problem, but again: my condition is against it, because I have to stand up for this one. BELIEVERS & NON BELIEVERS, hypnosis is fantastic, except for once, I used it in my job.
I don't know how much a (professional) player can ask, solo? with others? and WHO DETERMINES THE PRICE for a gig? I am really happy for you, being able to earn (more than enough, probably) money for your passion. I also think that most of us only see the bright side.
PEOPLE WANT TO BELIEVE, WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE. If you're playing in a band, performing 7 days a week, WE see only the gig, but nobody sees the preparations, sound checking, rehearsals, and so much more, like not at home, always from this place to another, internal conflicts, also the "temptations". It is DEFINITELY not a 9 to 5 job, but more a 5 to 5 job, and with the danger of a collision of the "ego's" you'll find everywhere. But as long as it stays a hobby, a passion for you (and others too) keep on going. I told you, I play pretty well, I also have the skill to compose a song in a few minutes, even up to 5 a day, BUT BECAUSE OF NON HAVING A GOOD RECORDING AND BURNING device (on a rewritable CD, so you can change things) I forget a lot. I just add one STRANGE FACT, that playing with others, improves my play at least 50%.
Hope we keep on touch, I think you can see my email, because I really want to know you better, and I have the impression that you are more or less "related".

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: active musicians

Check out Art of Me at It's a global online platform connecting current and aspiring artists musicians, singers, dancers, writers, photographers, directors and more with those who have an admiration and appreciation for the arts and their work.

Re: active musicians

I played with my own six night a week bar band for 24 years ending in 1981 when I got a full time job as a mail carrier.
Things were so different back then. Most venues today can't afford a four or five piece band.                                                                                         My wife worked as a union printer at a big city newspaper. Our earnings were close as regards gross pay but my expenses far outstripped hers. If she hadn't been employed, I couldn't have supported us on my pay alone.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: active musicians

Toots is correct "most venues today can't afford a four or five piece band.".

I used to sit in with a friend and his band once in awhile.... when the economy was a little healthier. 
We'd get a piece of the bar and most of the cover, which when the place was packed could net everyone a couple hundred bucks for the evening.  But you've got 6-7 people on stage to feed, nobody makes a living on that doing three to four nights a week.  Everybody has a "day" job (at least when everybody HAD jobs).  When the jobs went away, folks would leave after "happy hour" and before the cover charges went into effect, the clubs couldn't afford larger groups (or live music at all for that matter). So you get replaced by some "wanna be DJ" puking out canned music (or Techno-noise) for $25 / Hour plus a meal and free drinks.  So we do festivals, parties, and occasional club gigs just to keep "out there", but not steady enough to even consider ourselves "Professional" anymore.

Sorry about the "soapbox".

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: active musicians

I gig once a month or so. My busiest year back in Chicago I played 150 something shows. Two of our 5 band members were full time musicians and we financed it - the rest of us had day jobs to help the band out. So while I was never fully professional, our gigging did support a couple of full timers.