Topic: You're The One I Want, You're The One I Need

I've been hearing this catchy county-rock, bluesy song lately on our local country station. I've searched youtube for a match and only come up with the "Grease" tune, which isn't the one I want. Last time I searched the name on Chordie Song's list - same thing. Anyone heard it or know who recorded it. Sounds good, and my luck it's an 80's or 90's tune that's been resurrected and may get lost in the shuffle. I'd like to add it to my projected performing book. Thanks, if you can help.

Re: You're The One I Want, You're The One I Need

See if this is the song you're looking for, Jon Pardi - Head Over Boots.

Re: You're The One I Want, You're The One I Need … ts_crd.htm

Here's the link.

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: You're The One I Want, You're The One I Need

joe3chords and Doug_Smith hit the nail on the head. Thanks! I chorded it on the LinkeSOFT SONGBOOK for print. I was sure after I heard the song a million times I would get the music chords and fill-in notework, but the song was so catchy that I'd probably never learn the words. Idealy I'd be well off to find some sheline audience support to sing it cause the song sounds like it would be too much fun to just play. LOL!