Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

nadine2 wrote:

Holy crap!!! Stop whining about your lack of coolness. Nobody gives a monkey's banana whether you're cool or not. Live for the music. I bet you can play half of us in under the table any day,( me for sure!) but your extreme lack of self confidence will always hold you back. If other people don't think you should be in their band...chuck them. Start your own or go solo. Dude, you worry over the weirdest things!


don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

enickus wrote:

I'm just a creepy old guy, but don't do what they say you should or how they say you should with respect to your art.  If you're not in not for the art, you may as well get a banjo.

Fair enough! I can actually play American Idiot on banjo.

don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

jpage_roxmysox wrote:

It doesn't matter why you started playing, what matters is why you are STILL playing. Obviously you're trying to accomplish something. You wanna be "cool", hey man go for it. If you play decent guitar, someone will end up wanting to be in a band with you. Until then practice, and don't be afraid to show people up. I started guitar for the same reason you did, when I moved to my new house I wanted to be accepted by the kids in my neighborhood, they loved rock ,and a couple played guitar. I started playing out on my front porch until finally they accepted me. After that I realized that I loved playing the guitar! Even now, it's one of the few things I've ever really been passionate about. Stick with it man, and one day when you end up on MTV you can scream at all those highschool losers who thought you were some weirdo witchcraft kid.

Now THAT'S good advice! Thankyou big_smile

don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

I bought my first guitar when I was 15 and used to sit at my bedroom window with the guitar hoping I'd be seen and thought of as cool, it didnt work, I had to get out and meet people, That guitar sat in my bedroom for 10 years before I finally decided to learn how to play it, I am now playing for 30 years and still learning, friends have come and gone, some have stayed, but that guitar and the other 3 I know have are my best friends, they pick me up when I am down, they never reject me, they are always there to let me try new things, I can bring them to a pub/bar, they dont get drunk and messy, they are cheap to run, I think I got carried away, What i think I meant to say is you can lose yourself in music and this in turn will give you confidence

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

paranormal guitar,

considering the people that are popluar in my town id rather not be. most of the popular crowd a bunch of people that look down on others as they are not good enough,( as you have obviously figured out)  do you really want to become them? be yourself you will get alot farther in life.

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

Hey,Im weird to. when I first moved to my new school I was the only rocker there.Thay were preps.ahh.They thought I was a goth.Thay dont even know what goth is.Im not goth Im punk.
They found out that I played guitar but they did not care.I have tried to be popular before but to tell you the truth use weirdies have more fun.Right now I have friends who are like me it was hard to find them but I did.And now Im starting a band.Dont try to be something your not.

Lets go melt some faces!!!!

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

Dont try to be something your not.
dont keep wanting the things you aint got
keep trying to be good at what you do
keep your head up and you will pull through

( just got inspired there from Rocker's last bit in the post.)


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

upyerkilt wrote:

Dont try to be something your not.
dont keep wanting the things you aint got
keep trying to be good at what you do
keep your head up and you will pull through

( just got inspired there from Rocker's last bit in the post.)




"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

What does that say at the end of your letter??
                                                If it ain't broke,don't fix it

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

Hi Des
The boy quit chordie in a huff a while ago.
Who knows he maybe back on under another id.....I don't think so  though. He was shall we say a little "different" smile

The saying
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it  was popularized by politician Bert Lance in December 1976, referring to the machine of the federal government in America.


Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

Des.From.Liverpool wrote:

What does that say at the end of your letter??
                                                If it ain't broke,don't fix it

Hi Des,
Like Arkady said, he left a while ago in a huff.
I cannot remember exactly what he was saying or what was said to him but he took some advice the wrong way and went in a big cream puff.
He is a young guy that felt like he didnt fit in, But if I remember rightly he didnt do much to try and make himself fit in here, so maybe he was the same away from the computer?
Trying to tell young folk how to act and behave etc is a bit hard, they complain about parents the nask for advice, when they get it they think you are a know it all and act just like their parents, a vicious circle somewhere there I tihnk.
I think if 13-16 year old need advice then best person would be a 19-22 year old. They are bound to listen to them more than they would 30+

He was an alright wee guy. I get the feeling he has changed his name and is still coming in though as this website is just too hard to stay away from.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

cool to who?
don't try to impress others.
I've seen ugly band members.
I've known people that were real jerks.
step back and evaluate the whole situation.
I've known famous people that were totally miserable, and I've known people that were playing on a street corner and were just as happy as could be.

If you're not happy with what you have...
Then you'll never be happy with what you get...

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

Just wondering, who were you replying to there?


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

I think it's a kind of poem.
As upyerkilt sais, whatever we tried to do, like helping him: it was NEVER good. I think we all did great to support that young man.
I will never forget the question where he asked if musicality was a result or better was in the family, and I explained him that it could be in the human genes, the answer he wrote, was incredible, writing extremely aggressive, that I was crazy because he was thinking about JEANS.
This was one of his first answers.
I know, that you and I will give people like him a chance. Everybody deserves that. I am so glad that we tried everything, having a lot of patience. I don't care if young people have an aggressive tone here, most cases (only a few) DO change, but..

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

UYK. Have you been Unofficially deposed.:)


Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

arkady wrote:

UYK. Have you been Unofficially deposed.:)


I stood down as the unofficial king of my country. I am tihnking of going for the official title but it might take a while lol I will let the politicians fight it out first, once we get independance then I will strike up an army of rebellious idiots and overthrow the government and I will get some peasant to crown me at the stone of Scone.
So for now I shall remain Moderator of Chordie. When I get my title, everyone will know about it lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

An uncharacteristically sensible plan. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Help! I'm not cool enough to be in a band.

There is nothing more normal that youngsters twisting themselves into contortions trying to be different.    I have hope for the youth of the world.  big_smile

Someday we'll win this thing...
