Re: Chordie's new format

gander1 wrote:

I have really enjoyed using Chordie over the last several years but the new format has me befuddled. The print and.  grid options (side, bottom or no grid} appear to be nonexistent.  Also, where the chords are inserted within a lyric word; the chord appears above as it should, but there is a large gap in the word. These are the only problems I have detected so far but I haven't been able to do much with it. I hate to play the geezer card but at 71 I'm not much of a techno-cat. Hope I have this in the right place.
Thank you. Wayne

Hey Gander!  You should find the options to print on the right hand side just above the chords now when using a computer.  The different display options for printing were removed, now print brings up your print dialog to change options directly using your printer's software.  I'm curious, how did you prefer printing in the past compared to how the printing works now?  Did you prefer printing songs without chords included, or at the bottom?

As for the chords and lyrics and a space... I saw a song like that the other day myself.  When I viewed the chordpro for that song, I see that the original author had placed extra spaces in the song.  I believe what you saw is probably the same issue.  The thing is, since Chordie pulls the information from other places, it displays that information the way it was written (reading the special formatting).  If the song was formatted badly, then it will display badly, unfortunately.

Good news though!  Should you feel inclined to do so, you CAN fix it.  If you add the song to your songbook, you can then edit the version you have saved.  smile  If you want to provide a link to the song, we can all take a look and let you know how it can be changed and saved for better display without the extra spaces!  smile

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Chordie's new format

Can anyone tell how to copy the chord pro I found the button but can't find the copy icon.

Re: Chordie's new format

Can anyone tell me how to find the copy button using an I pad.

Re: Chordie's new format

tdr1300 wrote:

Can anyone tell me how to find the copy button using an I pad.

This is device specific (depends on your device, not the website).  This wiki gives an idea of how to copy and paste with Apple mobile devices: … iPod-Touch

I'm not sure how that works on iPad, or if the information is outdated.

There's an article here indicating that iPad's may have a copy/paste function built into the keyboard for iOS9 (I don't see these on my iPhone though): … re-on-ipad

Here's the photo for quick reference, maybe you won't need to view the whole articles!  smile Apparently a triple tap of text MIGHT highlight the text you want to copy and bring up a menu to choose "copy" as well. In the photo, the upper left corner of the keyboard shows scissors (cut), then icons for copy and paste.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Chordie's new format

NOTE - if your iPad won't allow you to copy the text directly from the webpage - you could get around this by 1. adding the song to your songbook 2. going to Edit the song from your songbook 3. you'll then be inside a textbox to edit the song, and should be able to copy from the textbox!

I'm not sure if the iPad will stop you from copying directly from the webpage or not... but when searching for answers to your question, I saw some complaints where people were having issues with this in safari, so figure I'll answer that question before it comes up - if it's an issue for you. big_smile

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Chordie's new format

I much preferred the old version and spent a great deal of time editing songs so they woud look exactly how I wanted them to look. Unfortunately, they have reverted back to their original format. I agree with the other users who asked why fix something that wasn't broken. The option to use the old version is something I'd like to see added.

Re: Chordie's new format

just wondering if there is an ETA  for the fix on the songwriting section and restoration of the data lost in it ?

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
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Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Chordie's new format

Just  to  add my  view .I  prefer  the  old  view  but  I  understand  the need  for  change .Like  many of  my  generation   I don't  like  change  ,but  change  is  inevitable  so we adapt .

Re: Chordie's new format

How can I comment on particular songs?

Re: Chordie's new format

Thanks again everyone for the feedback!  TIGLJK - YAY!  Posts have been restored!

Richiegay, you should be able to comment when you're on a particular song.  I have found a few issues with songs that were saved in my songbooks, however the ORIGINAL songs I'm able to comment on!  smile Since you can edit the songs saved in your songbook, if you wanted to make a note to share with others, you can put that right into the chordpro, and make sure your songbook is public of course!  smile

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Chordie's new format

mekidsmom wrote:
gander1 wrote:

I have really enjoyed using Chordie over the last several years but the new format has me befuddled. The print and.  grid options (side, bottom or no grid} appear to be nonexistent.  Also, where the chords are inserted within a lyric word; the chord appears above as it should, but there is a large gap in the word. These are the only problems I have detected so far but I haven't been able to do much with it. I hate to play the geezer card but at 71 I'm not much of a techno-cat. Hope I have this in the right place.
Thank you. Wayne

Hey Gander!  You should find the options to print on the right hand side just above the chords now when using a computer.  The different display options for printing were removed, now print brings up your print dialog to change options directly using your printer's software.  I'm curious, how did you prefer printing in the past compared to how the printing works now?  Did you prefer printing songs without chords included, or at the bottom?

As for the chords and lyrics and a space... I saw a song like that the other day myself.  When I viewed the chordpro for that song, I see that the original author had placed extra spaces in the song.  I believe what you saw is probably the same issue.  The thing is, since Chordie pulls the information from other places, it displays that information the way it was written (reading the special formatting).  If the song was formatted badly, then it will display badly, unfortunately.

Good news though!  Should you feel inclined to do so, you CAN fix it.  If you add the song to your songbook, you can then edit the version you have saved.  smile  If you want to provide a link to the song, we can all take a look and let you know how it can be changed and saved for better display without the extra spaces!  smile

Chordie is my favourite chord website however like Gander I prefer to have the option to print the songs without the chords charts and also with no chord printing at the bottom. I prefer a plain chart without the extra clutter. This feature no longer exists. I find it frustrating as it is now wasting paper by printing extra material on the next page that is unwanted.

37 (edited by Shappy 2016-02-25 13:17:07)

Re: Chordie's new format

Hi Guys
I agree with "mekidsmom" the new format is wasting paper spaces and I can't change the size now  its impossible to get a song on a page which is what you want- I learn on a music stand - okay I know - but hey - I think they have broken something that was good,. Sad..Geoff

Re: Chordie's new format

Hi all!  I just wanted to let you know that I just experimented a little bit and it looks like some changes have been made to the printing.  I found that if you change the VIEW of the song on the website (click the eye, change to "lyrics only" if you don't want chord names to print above lyrics - as an example) - you can also change the font size by clicking the A and choosing small, medium, or large - and THEN print (be sure to choose print preview before printing - then if you end up with a blank page, you can see that it's expected to print blank and can choose NOT to print that page wasting paper on just printing headers and footers) you should be able to print your songs out without the chords displayed as well as with a different font size!

So far, on my end at least, it looks like the chord grids are not an option to remove.  So, those are still going to print on the right hand side. Also, it looks like they're getting cut off. So, I will go ahead and report this.  In the meantime though, go ahead and give my suggestions a try for printing, and let me know how you make out!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Chordie's new format

Dinosaurs, like me smile, who use I.E. do not get a print preview however I also just printed out on Chrome and it shows how many sheets it will take and gives a preview. I have reported the problem with I.E.

I had no problem on either browser with chord grids being cut off, the layout of the grids was changed from the screen version to fit the paper.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

40 (edited by outbackdave5 2016-02-25 20:55:20)

Re: Chordie's new format

I have used and loved chordie for some time now. With the new format though it will not print properly. I only get 1 page or only part of a page. I can't seem to make it print properly at all. Please help if you can. I am using a PC with windows 7 and using internet explorer for search engine.

Re: Chordie's new format

I really like, or well..i did until the upgrade made it hard for me to log in....see my songbook....everytime I try to get to the songbook it sends me to forums and tells me to log in and stuff.....I am not impressed so far...but I'm not leaving make it easier

Re: Chordie's new format

Why on earth did you change the format. It's awful

Unsolicited Advertising on Chordie is Forbidden

Re: Chordie's new format

i upgraded to the newest format of Chodie . Now when I go to edit a song it skips from the part I want to  edit  back to top of the song. then I need to scroll down to the part I want to edit again. it does this on each letter I want to edit. Also I find many forbidden areas when I bing search for a song. why is this

Regards Gord Barge

44 (edited by Roger S 2016-03-09 08:33:56)

Re: Chordie's new format

Hi  I used to use the full screen mode for a lot of songs instead of auto scroll  I far preferred it  now it is gone   Is there any chance you will bring it back.  Other than that the new format is ok  I will catch on  I'm an old guy to.  Hey it says I have 7 posts was wondering what the otheres are as I have no idea  I never made any that I remember   must be this age thing  lol

Re: Chordie's new format

HI Roger,

They go back to 2013 and they are all about 'scrolling'. If you click on 'PROFILE' in the light blue bar and scroll down to 'Posts and topics' you can select 'View all your posts' and see them. (So you see, you do not have to remember, Chordie will do that for you big_smile)


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Chordie's new format

Hi there,  I 'v been using Chordie for years, and have always liked it. It brought me many nice songs to play. 
Now with the new format, i find some things not as nice as with the old. 

Like when i start up the page.  Before, i always got the latest posts, (witch i liked),  Now i get the same poster every time i open the site. (fempie's songbook). Even when its set on "last published" .   I can make a search for all songbooks, or whatever for that session, but the next startup i see fempie's again.  I don't get that. To see the latest posts when startup would be nice i guess?

Then another thing.  When you are in any songbook, the title is good and clear to read, the Artist however not so.

It's already mentioned, the copy/ past to Word problem.  I am sure that many visitors on the site, would like to be able to make a 1 on 1 copy/past to Word, so they can work on it them self.

Then the Jango player. First,  i love it!  Was it there in the old format?  I only just found it.  But why is it playing songs that i don't ask for when the song that i want is not available?  And sometimes it will play the last one that i had listened to with my new request...

What i do now is when i found a song on Chordie that i want, i go to Ultimate guitar tabs to download, copy/past it into word.
Off course that not what Chordie has in mind.
If it's your goal to bring music to people, then give them the format that all people use, Word.

Now, just see my post as feedback, not as complaint.  I hope Chordie will work on these things, that's why i post it.   

Thanks for your effort anyways.

Re: Chordie's new format

I am 73 and hate change but I understand when things need fixed before  they are completely gone. I will get used to it, after all it costs me nothing and I appreciate the effort put into it. I have been a member for a few years now and am not going to quit the ole gal just because she changed dresses.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Chordie's new format

deadstring wrote:

I am 73 ........ and am not going to quit the ole gal just because she changed dresses.

deadstring, that phrase above caught me "just right" and it sounds like it should be a song.  smile

Note: The ellipsis after deadstring's age is my own and I used the device so as to better emphasize it sounding like a song title.

I agree with you, by the way, Sir. smile


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