Topic: NGD

This was a little unexpected and I'm feeling a bit like jjj. smile

Last Friday I did a job for a regular client. I've been doing it every year for 18 years near the end of July. This time he was at the end of the day and we got talking.

He had bought a guitar for his grandson back in '08. He play with it a little for the first year and put it away. He joined the Air Force in '12 and told "Pappy", my client, to do whatever he wanted with it because he lost interest. Pappy didn't even know what make it was so I asked if I could have a look at it. Pertinent little tid-bit here; Pappy worked in the financial services field for Merrill-Lynch and money is no object for anything he wants.

So he pulls this guitar out of the closet and the first thing I notice is the Martin logo on the case. I'm now grinning from ear to ear; in my mind. I open it up and there lays a lovely Dreadnaught; with a cutaway! There wasn't a mark on it but the action was pretty high. So of course I asked him what he might like to have for it.

"Make me an offer" he says.


"Would you trade it for today's work?"  (3.5 hours of my time)

"That seems fair" he says.

So instead of him writing me a check I put 2007 Martin DC 1E in my truck. big_smile

On my way home I stopped in to see my favorite guitar tech and asked him to lower the action and put new strings on it. He called me today to tell me it was ready. Turns out, for some reason, somebody had put a shim under the saddle. This thing plays like a dream now.

I'm a happy camper!

[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]


I found a $5 dollar bill once. wink

Dayum, Joe! That's a gorgeous piece of work, sure enough and I am so happy for you! It's not often one sees such a fine example of synchronicity (or is it serendipity?), but there ya go.

What a great thing to happen to one of my buds!

Have fun with your Dreadnaught, joe


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com


WOW - You lucky SOB!! Congrats UJB.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!


An excellent find. You just never know. It will likely end up being one of your favorites.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.


You know, if you don't end up liking it as much as you thought you would, I could prolly take it off your hands for you... maybe

We can beat them just for one day
We can be heroes just for one day

RIP Bowie


Well done, lovely guitar.
Thats a real bargain.
A guitar that will last a life time for half a days work, fantastic.
I`m sure you will enjoy it.

The King Of Audio Torture


Some guys have all the luck.

Thick as two short planks


And all it cost was 3.5 hours of work? now thats pretty slick!

Live in the "now" - a contentment of the moment - the past is gone - the future doesn't exist - all we ever really have is now and it's always "now".

9 (edited by dino48 2015-08-06 00:18:51)


Lucky you ujb,A martin!! Happy new guitar day!! Its great looking. I am glad you were at the right place at the right time.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman


bensonp wrote:

It will likely end up being one of your favorites.

It's already there! smile

Cocktailsfor2 wrote:

You know, if you don't end up liking it as much as you thought you would, I could prolly take it off your hands for you... maybe…


Tell ya what. I could probably part with it for $500 and shipping to the West Coast will run around $1500. lol

[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]


You got me beat.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.


Nice Deal!  Beauty of a guitar!  Happy NGD indeed!!!!!!!  smile  Congrats UJB!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.


unclejoesband wrote:
bensonp wrote:

It will likely end up being one of your favorites.

It's already there! smile

Cocktailsfor2 wrote:

You know, if you don't end up liking it as much as you thought you would, I could prolly take it off your hands for you... maybe…


Tell ya what. I could probably part with it for $500 and shipping to the West Coast will run around $1500. lol

That an expensive shipping carrier you are using.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman


mekidsmom wrote:

Nice Deal!  Beauty of a guitar!  Happy NGD indeed!!!!!!!  smile  Congrats UJB!

It's considering a road trip. wink

[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]


unclejoesband wrote:
mekidsmom wrote:

Nice Deal!  Beauty of a guitar!  Happy NGD indeed!!!!!!!  smile  Congrats UJB!

It's considering a road trip. wink

Want my address?

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman


UJB, It is obviously a fake. the label says it was made in Nazareth and everyone knows that is where Jesus came from and it is in Israel, not the USA. So, if you bring it To Amy's when I am there next week I will take it to Portugal and save you any embarrassment. wink smile lol

Seriously, great guitar for 3.5 hours work.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"


Way to go, Uncle Joe!

What a terrific situation to walk into. Unless you're a neuro-surgeon, you got a deal of a lifetime there ... for 3.5 hours work. Wow!


You lucky dog! That's a sweet guitar.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude


So, I did a little scouring of the webs, because that's what I do.  I found a "vintage price guide" published in 2010 that shows that model in the price range of $725-$900 (not original price of course, but used guitar price).  Guitar Center has one in stock in their Nashville store for $799.  So, I figure that 3.5 hour job payed at the rate of approximately $230/hour.  big_smile  Obviously you got a hell of a deal!   But, now I'm even more curious... what kind of job did you do for this guy?  Beautiful guitar!  Congrats again!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.


unclejoesband wrote:
bensonp wrote:

It will likely end up being one of your favorites.

It's already there! smile
that didn't take long, but I'm not surprised

Cocktailsfor2 wrote:

You know, if you don't end up liking it as much as you thought you would, I could prolly take it off your hands for you... maybe…


Tell ya what. I could probably part with it for $500 and shipping to the West Coast will run around $1500. lol

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

21 (edited by unclejoesband 2015-08-07 00:49:38)


dino48 wrote:

That an expensive shipping carrier you are using.

Only the best for such a fine specimen. smile

mekidsmom wrote:

But, now I'm even more curious... what kind of job did you do for this guy?  Beautiful guitar!  Congrats again!

I take care of the outside of his property; trees, shrubbery, etc. It used to be an all day job for 2-3 people. Over the years I've made some changes that have cut down on yearly maintenance dramatically. I can now clean up the place myself in half a day. It cut into my income a bit but he has been just tickled with the changes I've made. He quit asking me for a cost estimate about 10 years ago. If I don't hear from him by the second week of July, I'll call him to let him know what day I'll be there.

[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]


I love these type of stories. Congratulations on the new guitar.


unclejoesband wrote:
Cocktailsfor2 wrote:

You know, if you don't end up liking it as much as you thought you would, I could prolly take it off your hands for you... maybe…


Tell ya what. I could probably part with it for $500 and shipping to the West Coast will run around $1500. lol

That sounds a little steep, but okay - what the heck.

You will take a third-party, post-dated, out-of-state check, right?


We can beat them just for one day
We can be heroes just for one day

RIP Bowie


Cocktailsfor2 wrote:
unclejoesband wrote:
Cocktailsfor2 wrote:

You know, if you don't end up liking it as much as you thought you would, I could prolly take it off your hands for you... maybe…


Tell ya what. I could probably part with it for $500 and shipping to the West Coast will run around $1500. lol

That sounds a little steep, but okay - what the heck.

You will take a third-party, post-dated, out-of-state check, right?


L.O.L.   coctails  I think he is teasing both of us.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman


dino48 wrote:
unclejoesband wrote:
mekidsmom wrote:

Nice Deal!  Beauty of a guitar!  Happy NGD indeed!!!!!!!  smile  Congrats UJB!

It's considering a road trip. wink

Want my address?

If you carried it as far as Dino's, I'd almost bet Tails would be happy to drive over and pick it up!  (Savin' all that freight, fuel and all) wink

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare