Topic: NELA? How's Things Over Your Way?
I know y'all have had some bad stuff happen in Lafayette last night (the shootings), and I was sure sorry to hear about that, but I'd kinda like to know how you're getting along and thank you for the kind words of support during Dondra's most recent hospitalization.
You mentioned your diabetes and having to take up to 5 shots of insulin a day, and I was wondering how you're doing getting used to your pump, my friend? From what little I know/remember from my days as a respiratory therapist, I believe your stage of diabetes is known as 'brittle", is that right?
During one of my recent bicycle rides (2009) for the Humane Society, I met a young lady who had with her a service dog that was trained to react to her ketonic breath. Reading one of your posts to me a few days ago, I was reminded of this and wondered if you had one or even had need of one.
Thanks again for looking out for us both and please let us know how you're doing, please Sir.
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com