Topic: Beautiful Tui
Hi, I am new to this site and this is my very first attempt and only attempt at writing a song so far. I play this on my ukulele as I am better on my uke than on a guitar.
INTRO – {Slide finger along A string whilst strumming}
[C] Sat watching a Tui in a tree [AM] today
[C] Chirping and talking to [AM] anyone
[C] Sitting proudly on a branch in the [AM] greenery of the tree
[C] Looking down on all as it [AM] perched up high
[E7] Beautiful Tui [A7] bird
[E7] Come sing me a [A7] song
[E7] Come sit beside me in that [A7] tree
[E7] As I watch and try to sing a [A7] long
{Slide finger along A string whilst strumming}
[C] Puffing itself up and cleaning its [AM] wings
[C] Its feathers shine like a [AM] paua shell
[C] Deep beautiful colors that can [AM] only be seen
[C] If you remain still and watch [AM] unseen
{Slide finger along A string whilst strumming}
[C] Flying off the branch as you [AM] leave
[C] Looking for some berries or some [AM} seeds
[C] The nectar of the kowhai flower is [AM] sweet to taste
[C] As you swoop and dive looking in [AM] your haste
{Slide finger along A string whilst strumming}
[C] Sometimes I see you bathing in the [AM] bird bath
[C]Splashing and thrashing your [AM] wings
[C} Shaking and cleaning yourself [AM] as best you can
[C] Ready for another day as you [AM] fly off and soar
OUTRO – {Slide finger along A string whilst strumming and fade out}
You can listen to me attempting to sing this song on Sound Cloud which is also new to me this year. I am under the name Kiki Jan.
Covers and some Originals found over there ------- >