1 (edited by jets60 2007-06-15 03:37:49)

Topic: Song Writing idea - From Alice and the Cheshire Cat

I was looking through a Systems Engineering College Text book at work yesterday and I saw a quote in the front of the book from Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll that would make a great idea for a song. To paraphrase so I don't get into any troubles with the moderator:

Alice is having a concersation with the Cheshire Cat:

She asks the Cat where she should walk to

The Cat says it depends on where she wants to go.

Alice says she doesn't care where she goes

So the Cat replies then it doesn't matter which direction she walks

Alice further explains so long as she eventually gets some where

And the Cat replies that she's bound to get some where so long as she walks long enough

Not the exact words but that's pretty much the idea

So after reading that I began to ponder how that relates to life, destinations, journeys... and really it's true. Life will take you somewhere no matter which direction you head into.

Anyway that's my idea for anyone who wants to give a go at it. I will but not tonight...maybe this weekend.



J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Song Writing idea - From Alice and the Cheshire Cat

Excellent idea - I have a copy of Alice in Wonderland somewhere.  Shall give it a glance and see what might be done with this idea.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"