1 (edited by mhdmhd 2007-06-14 18:26:53)

Topic: hi guys, can anyone give me hotel california (live) right tab?

hi guys,
i've searched lots of time for it but i can't find the right one. or maybe i don't know how to play the tabs correctly!
i don't really know what's the problem?
look at these two tabs:
http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.u … ;id=139309
http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.u … p;id=28406
as i said i don't know if i'm wrong and those tabs are correct.
can anyone help me?
or atleast can anyone give me the one that is written with music signs?

Re: hi guys, can anyone give me hotel california (live) right tab?


Both of these tabs are correct.  It depends on which guitar you want to play.  Guitar 1 is rhythm, which has Bm, F#, A, E, G, D.  Guitar 2 is the lead, which plays at a higher key (7th fret).  I do play both, but it easier to play Guitar 1.  If you don't mind learning the licks, Guitar 2 is pretty awesome! 

Good luck!

Re: hi guys, can anyone give me hotel california (live) right tab?

thanx thanx thanx kahuna!!!