Topic: This is cool!!

This is the 1st time anyone has done this Elan Musk who started Paypal,Tesla and Space X has come up with a reusable rocket this is the test video filmed from a floating camera very cool smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: This is cool!!

I like Russell! nice too see we are getting back into space and it is a private company.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

3 (edited by Doug_Smith 2014-04-21 04:44:16)

Re: This is cool!!

Awww c'mon Russell.... You for sure should know that Buck Rogers did that all the time back in the 50s!

But yeah you are right it is pretty cool.  I read some of the comments, and noticed the one about the "waste of fuel".  Guess I'll have to find out what they are using fuel-wise... I seem to remember some early Gemini flights fueled with Hydrogen and Oxygen (in liquid form) and later Red Fulmic Acid and LOX.  Non-fossil fuels with plenty of punch, and byproducts really bad for the environment.... stuff like heat and WATER VAPOR!  Gasp!

Take Care;

OK, did my homework.  Something called RP-1 and LOX is the new fuel.... kinda really pure Kerosene so still a "fossil-fuel" but safer than Alcohol, Methane, etc..  Supposedly burns really clean (even compared to JP-6 Jet Fuel) with less CO and CO2 emissions and fewer PPM of carbon ash.  Personally I was rooting for Hydrogen and LOX, but it just doesn't measure up in terms of thrust/Lbs of fuel.  Guess we'll just have to keep working on that ion hyper-drive concept.

Are you sure you can't remember where you stashed that crate of di-lithium crystals?

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare