Topic: Outside Package. It`s whats inside that counts.
Has anyone ever had this happen? I had my sister-in-law over the house at xmas. She was looking at my guitars. Note: She doesn't know a thing about guitars or any kind of instruments. She saw my Strat and Yamaha SJ-180. And others. Then she saw my 59 Gibson LG 2. When she heard how much it cost, she said "What are you nuts you paid **** for that, Why?" I said because it`s a Gibson. She had no idea how something that looks like it`s been run through the wringer could be worth so much. She see`s that you can get a shiny new First Act at Target or Wal Mart for 50.00. I also bought my brother a bottle of Jonnie Walker Blue for xmas. She couldn`t see why I would pay so much for a bottle of scotch when I could get a gallon of J & B or Cutty Sark for so much cheaper. For starters, my brother has done a lot for me and he deserved it. Almost like buying a huge bottle of cologne for 2.00 when a tiny bottle costs 100.00. The old saying that you get what you pay for. Basically, she sees the outside package only. It doesen`t matter if the small bottle of cologne smells better than the cheap huge bottle. Or the good liquor is so much more than a big bottle of cheap liquor. Has anyone ever had a friend or relative like that?? No matter how you tried to reason with them about the value of things, they just don`t get it. It isn`t just guitars. Anything.
Nothing In Moderation -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.