Topic: I awoke to an explosion
A couple of nights ago the neck on my Alvarez snapped (didn't figure out what it was until the following day when i looked at the stand). This is what I did.... I took the strings of lazer leveled and remarried them with a biscuit style joint. I clamped all 3 axis's (sp) but to me it sounds like crap. No one else can tell. I have had 3 very nice acoustics that are no longer with me so instead of being ax-less i got this at guitar center for cheep. Maybe $170. My question is do vibrations get lost or is it just the body where the sound comes. It seems to me i have to play it harder (not gently) The neck looked like a reddish hardwood. Is this common, can I do anything about it? except be pissed and save up for another tak or martin or taylor
Nothing will annoy them more!