Topic: Zoom Q3HD

Does anyone have experience with the Zoom Q3HD ? I've been messing around the last few weeks trying to get sound and video correct. My unit didn't have needed software on the SD card so I had to download it from Zoom. Now I can store the videos on my computer. Instructions not very good!!! I'm not the brightest candle on the cake but i'm not stupid. I'm having a HEL? of a time putting this together. It should be simple. That's why I bought the Zoom.
My question ? My videos seem to be stopping and starting and not insync with audio. Has anyone had this problem ? Does anyone know how to correct it ?
I know someone here probably has an answer. Thanks.

Re: Zoom Q3HD

Heya Joe,

I have a Zoom Q3 it is not the HD model like yours but , I think they are very similar other than the video quality. I suspect maybe this could be something with your pc. Try and shoot a video and plug in a set of head phones to the Q3HD and playback to see if it records with video and audio in sync. I have never had the problem you're having but have had some issues once uploaded to my computer and my computer had issues and has since been replaced.

These units are usually very user friendly and sounds like you may have a faulty unit.

Wayne P

Later, Wayne P

Re: Zoom Q3HD

Hi wayne,
  It works fine if I play back into a TV or just play back on it's screen.. Might be something with my PC. Thanks for the help.

Re: Zoom Q3HD

Sounds like your computer is not liking Videos and probably won't like editing them either. Videos put a load on a lot of computers, seems they require a good processor and a lot of space.

Wayne P

Later, Wayne P