If this is close to her pain and symptoms, I would address the inflammation. My brother-in-law had shoulder pain and couldn't raise his arm very high.
XanGo took the inflammation away and he hasn't had any trouble since. He was thinking surgery before he tried this.
XanGo is something I highly recommend and I use it. It covers a multitude of ails and inflammation is top on the list. You can get it at your local health food store or a friend/relative who are distributors (I'm one, but it's because I want the product at my cost). I'm not advocating to buy it from me, just research it and try it. A full 60-90 day trial will tell you if you are going to get any relief. I've had people say they felt better in a few days, some had to try it longer, but 90 days is a good trial time. It's expensive usually $30-40 a bottle, but for me, it keeps me healthy.
I sound like a commercial, but I can't begin to tell you how much I love this food source supplement drink, but I won't go without it.
Google mangosteen fruit. XanGo is a propriety label that uses the entire fruit and everything is natural that is used. It's the only label I will use, not the mangosteen fruit wanna be's who usually pull short in their ingredients. Research everything you can do, before resorting to surgery.
I sure hope you and your wife can find some relief. Pain simply wears you out. Good luck.