Topic: Song Groupings or Lists for Alternate Tuning...

Hello - First, I very thankful for this website, I think it's the best on the net, so thank you for all who volunteer and contribute.  Secondly, to my point: I would love if there were a way to search for songs that have alternate tuning.  Example: I've been experimenting and playing around in Open G and would like to do a search to compile all songs out there w/ this as the tuning.  Is there away to do that or if not, is it possible to add this feature?



Re: Song Groupings or Lists for Alternate Tuning...

Not that I'm aware of currently Jerry... It is possible someone has a songbook saved of songs such as alternate tunings however.  You could search the public songbooks.  Perhaps someone will jump in here with another suggestion too.  smile  Welcome to the forums btw!


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