Topic: Help making this song playable for me?

I'm looking at Jim Croce's "Lover's Cross" and there's just tooooo many chords and changes for me.  I have the basic chord shapes down, can't (don't want to?) play barre chords, and darn can't change that fast fluidly to save my life (unless I was just going back and forth between C and G!  ha ha!)

Here's the song on Chordie: … 65187.html

Can anyone re-arrange this in a way that's a little more easily played by someone at my level?  I think a bunch of you have a pretty good handle on what "my level" is so although I'm just making some assumptions here, I'm really hoping you can help me out!  I LOVE a lot of his songs... I can't play any of them, but was hoping this might be a stepping stone.  If there's not really a way to do it without losing everything that IS this song... I'll take a "no" almost as graciously as I'll take a "yes"!  smile


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Re: Help making this song playable for me?

I should clarify... I don't necessarily want to pick it... strumming is good.  smile

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

Hi mekidsmom jim croce is one of my favorite singers/players,he is hard to play unless you are pretty good or practicethe song alot.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

I was afraid I'd be told that.  My Dad can play his stuff... but then, my Dad's been playing since he was a kid!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

I looked around for you quite a bit, but couldn't find anything with easy chords.  Sorry.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

Cmon Amy, buckle down and learn this thing. The only chord that looks odd is the C7. Everything else should be easy enough for you. It will take some time but you can do it. Or get into it a little bit at a time, then when you do decide to go for it you will some of it down already. Have your dad help you out too.

You can do it.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

LoL Amy, love you to death. I looked at the video on youtube, remarkable how may hits dead people get. The cords aren't that hard. Jim just plays the rhythem, his bud does the lead and fills. Go for it, I've heard you sing and that is mostly what Jim does.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

Hi Amy, I think I know where you are having difficulty..... the C Am/B Am change happens pretty quickly and that change can be a stinker.  The chords here on the link you provided are correct (I have Jim's big book and they are the same).  You might try using a simple Em in place of the Am/B and catch it on the upstroke heavy on the bass strings, and the Am on the downstroke to get the timing to fit the recording.  The Am/G however requires that you kinda hammer your pinky on the low E string and that can be another hangup to practice around.  It is easier to use the 345 fingers for the open G as well to speed up those changes.

Once again the cure is practice and lots of it, breaking it all down into phrases and working it through slowly until it comes easy enough to pick up the pace.  Croce is one of my personal faves and I learned most of his stuff back when I was getting back into fingerpicking... this one came right back to me first thing through, but I still have some rough spots in "I have to say I love you in a song"  some challenging chords in that one too.

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

big_smile  Thank you guys for the inspiration and the "you can do it"!  I will give it a few go's and see what I can do...  I guess it will have to start out as a very SLOW ballad till I can get those changes down LOL!  I have always loved this song... even when I was a little kid and had NO CLUE what it meant!  Ha ha!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

Maybe you could transpose it to a different key for easier chords them capo it to your vocal key. Maybe the key of G capoed on the 5th fret to get the real key of C will work for you. Good luck.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

Hi again amy,as I stated beforehe is hard to play but not impossable,it took me alot of practice 0n his songs,but he is worth the time.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

dfoskey... I actually JUST did this before seeing your post.  I didn't even try before because I "thought" as written would be the easiest I would find, but actually -5 semitones is easier for me.  I can jump into that a lot easier!  smile  I am so thrilled to be able to continue to "cheat" my way though the guitar.  LOL!  I WILL be picking up a few different chords though in the process... never fear, I shall continue to learn at my snail pace big_smile On the other hand, this doesn't sound too bad without a few of the changes that I'm not familiar with since my voice can drown some of that out for now!  Ha!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

Cheating is ok, if it makes it easier and sound good.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

It's working great!  Music theory.... so I'm playing it -5 which is G, Em, Am etc... capo on 2nd fret...  So, my G is really an A, is this in the key of A now? (yes, this is as close as my feeble attempt at music theory gets).  I'm seriously thinking I need to start figuring this out more so that at the least, when/if I ever play with my Dad I can tell him what key to play it in so I can sing along, )or at least we can be playing the same stuff (he doesn't use a capo but knows his notes/chords enough to change keys!  smile  Thanks!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

WHen you select -5 transpose:  Chordie provides you the alternate (easier in this case) chords to keep it in the same key with capo on 5th fret. 

When you use those chord shapes and instead place capo on 2nd fret you are playing in a different key (by 3 half steps down).   I think I said that correctly.  Congrats, you've found a way to play in key but easier.   Or play in a key you prefer, and also make it easier.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

It's not cheating. There is no right way to play a song. Just different. Yes the original is what you fell in love with, but if that doesn't fit your voice, then you have to change it. In the end, as long as you're comfortable with it and can say "Yes, I can play that song" then you're good. No such thing as cheating when it comes to playing the guitar.

Glad you found a version that will work for you!

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

well here it is... I did just leave a few chords out altogether, but it's good enough for now that I can say... "I can play it"  smile

If anyone wants to know "how" I did this... transpose what's here on chordie to -5, then capo on second fret to fit my voice.  Don't play the Bm big_smile make the Am7 just a simple Am, and pay attention because some of these chord "changes" are really just the same chord minus playing the bass strings, so it's really NOT too bad at all!  If anyone comes along and would like me to point anything out a bit more let me know.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

Lovely, MKM. I watched all three videos on the page. Nice!
Who's your buddy? You two appear to be having the best time together.
She will sing as well as you someday.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

I've given you a YouTube comment!

I know you changed the key, but a thing about the big F major barre chord: if you lose the two top strings it'll still be an F. You won't have to a six-string bar and it can sound sweeter. So you're just putting the index finger on the first fret across the B and high e string (it's only a little barre!); the middle finger on the 2nd fret of the G-string, and ring finger on the third fret of the D string.

Re: Help making this song playable for me?

Thanks Toots!  That's my 6 year old Stephanie.  She's a little "mini-me" smile  I'd be excited if she could turn into a good singer... but her heart is into the art of dance.  The kid listens to 80's and 90's music ALL day long (prefers to dress as such most of the time too), and just AMAZES me with how she can anticipate when a song is going to have a hook or a change and moves right with it, even if she's never heard the song before!  One of these days, I'm going to secretly video tape her in the living room doing "her thing".  It's just awesome to watch. 

Thanks TeaAnd12tone, I'm heading over there in a minute to check out the comment smile  I do know that about the F, and I TRY it when I'm practicing (I even try full barre chords occasionally, but haven't had much luck) although I haven't quite figured out how to make my index finger work right yet.  As well... my index finger is not liking me so much these days, it's sore a lot of the time.  Could be a little early arthritis or something, but I'm a hairdresser too and there's a LOT of use that darn finger gets.  I just can't quite make it do things right when it comes to the guitar sad  Ahhh well, my cheater F sounds OK... good thing my voice can drown a lot of the guitar screw ups out huh?  lol

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.