Topic: Electric Revelation! (Amplifier related...)

I've been on the usual quest for the perfect sound...and I'm one step closer today.
And the best thing is that it didn't cost me anything!!

I've been thinking lately that I needed a Delay Pedal to get the sound I was looking for. This was largely in part to the lack of customizability for the delay effect built into my Fender Princeton 650 amplifier. No matter what I tried I could not get it to give me the sound I wanted. So I resigned to the fact that I needed to buy a delay pedal to reach my goals.

Yesterday before church started I thought about that "Chris Isaac" song...Wicked Game...and how the guitar in it sounds so relaxed and beautiful. Then I started fiddling with the controls for my built-in effects on my amplifier and switched it from the "Chorus-Delay" setting to the "Reverb" setting.

Wow...oh-my-gosh did the sound come out sooo much better!!!! It was the fattening/relaxing/bluesy effect I had been looking for for MONTHS and it was there staring me in the face day after day the whole time!!!

Now...things sound the way that I need them to and I'm also not as hard pressed to get that delay pedal.

Now I'm back on the road to getting my Phase and Freeze pedals!


"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

Re: Electric Revelation! (Amplifier related...)


That reminds me of the time that I found an "overdrive" button in my pickup truck, two years after I bought it!

Glad you found the sound.. Now what exactly is a "Freeze" pedal?

Now available in 5G !

Re: Electric Revelation! (Amplifier related...)


The Freeze pedal (By Electro-Harmonix) allows you to stomp on the switch of the footpedal and freeze whatever sound your guitar is currently making...until you release the switch/lift your foot.

It's great for people like me that play chords and lead together without a second guitarist.
The actual demo starts about 45 seconds in.


"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle