Topic: Gallstones!!
I have been experiencing a sharp pain in my right side which made it really hard to take a breath this started 3 days ago so I went to my doctor and he scheduled me for a CT scan for those who are not familiar with a CT scan you sit in a chair and drink two large foul tasting glasses of what can only be described as "liquid chalk" for a period of 1 and a half hours prior to the scan this is to insure the contents find there way all the way to your colon so they can take a "photo" when they inserted me into the apparatus it looks like something from Star-gate the table with you moves thru this ring and then they fire up the thrusters and a hot rush is felt the length of your body, horrible feeling but its over then and my doctor was informed I had Gallstones that had to be removed so next week I go under the knife and get my gallbladder removed I was worried it could be something worse like cancer but not this time its an inpatient one day operation with a day of rest in the hospital after surgery and I will be back to my usual self. life go's on obladee oblada