Topic: Calling on the "Chordie Musical Network"
Ok boys and girls... I have a song that's in the songwriting forum and I thought it might be fun to see if anyone would like to have a shot at making it into something a little more exciting than just some strumming and singing. It needs some lead guitar, some bass, and some dummmmmmms! Anyone interested in messing around with this? And um... how do we go about doing that? Do I need an account somewhere online where I can share monster huge wav files? I do not find myself to be a "great" guitar player, I generally have buzzing due to poor fretting and all that. Of course someone needs to mess with the mix on this, or just totally re-record the sturmming! LOL! It probably needs to be completely re-recorded, I did the guitar and singing all on one track. So, let me know what you think. It's the song I wrote for my husband and I think a polished up more professional type sounding song would be really cool to give him for our anniversary in September, or if that's not doable, for his birthday in November! Thanks!
Chords, lyrics and now the basic recording can all be found within this thread: … 899#p97899
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.