1 (edited by gomezfoul 2010-08-05 06:02:37)

Topic: saddle of the bridge!!!

i just got a hold of a Epi. acoustic guitar how do i make the saddle taller cause i got it and it seemed warn out or something but it was causing the strings to vibrate against the fret board.any help? i have no idea what's happening to the truss rods whereabouts! i have no idea how to use it!

we have so much more to win then we could ever lose!- The Afters

Re: saddle of the bridge!!!


  Well first off, if you aren't sure what's going on with it, it would be best to seek the advice of a Luthier in your area for a look-see to find out what exactly is going on there.  It could be that the neck is bowed and a simple truss rod adjustment is all that is needed, or you might have a combination of things happening that an experienced eye can find right off.  To give you an idea, around these parts a typical setup (without a new bridge or nut install) runs around 40-50$$.  Assessments and estimates of repairs are usually free, so you might not be out anything to haul it around to a few shops and get the scoop from someone who can lay hands to it and nail the situation down before you start tweaking on things that might make it worse.

  I personally like Epiphone guitars and they are usually quite good for the money.  I'm thinking that it might have been left unstrung for awhile and the neck is warped.  Easily corrected in most cases by someone who knows this stuff well.

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: saddle of the bridge!!!

Too soon to fool with the truss rod. A mistake could ruin the neck.
Try raising the bridge first. Some bridges are adjustable. There are two little wheels under each side of the bridge base. Turn each wheel to the left untill the buzzing just stops. If you have a movable bridge, make a shim to raise it.

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Re: saddle of the bridge!!!

Just my 2 cents, I'm assuming this is an acoustic without an under the saddle  pick up? If youre going make a shimm for the saddle, I have use electrical wire ties in the past, they make great shimms, and all you have to do is cut them to length, they fit right into the bridge. Keep us posted.

Re: saddle of the bridge!!!

i can't really fool with the truss rod so im just gonna lift one side towards the high E string first and see if it stops cause thats where it's making the rattling vibration noise. just so i don't half to go ALL wrong about this. im just gonna do something that won't be permanent. what do y'all think

we have so much more to win then we could ever lose!- The Afters

Re: saddle of the bridge!!!

Get a bone saddle, and when you're shaping it and filing it down just file it down a little less.   You'll get the exact height you desire and a bone saddle to boot. 

I should note that I know next to nothing about making adjustments to a guitar.  Right or wrong, that's just what I would do. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: saddle of the bridge!!!

ok ......ummmm....where does one get these bone saddle?

we have so much more to win then we could ever lose!- The Afters

Re: saddle of the bridge!!!

Any decent guitar shop will have them.  You can also get them on-line.  I typed "bone saddle" into Google and got 1/4 million hits.  They're generally $10 or less. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude