Topic: Online Tab Player has disappeared?

A feature I was really enjoying was the Online Tab Player. It seems to have been removed. That's a shame, it was a real help.

Or...did it get moved? Temporarily disabled? I, for one, would love to see its return.

The "Create Radio Channel" is still there. (However, that one I never chose to use)

Re: Online Tab Player has disappeared?

Oh, forgot to add: I realize I can just go directly to Songsterr. It was just really handy to have a direct link to the exact song!

Re: Online Tab Player has disappeared?

Guess I'm the only one who misses it!  wink

Re: Online Tab Player has disappeared?

I didn't even know it was gone!  sad  I tend to strum and print stuff out and work from there, not so much from songsterr... but that does kinda stink... I liked the idea of it!

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